Chapter 26: For you, Always

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Note: I wanted to go into details about Fury's lack of trust in Natasha and use it to show the effects it has on her  :) I hope you guys are okay with that.
As Zero approached Natasha, a hesitant expression on her face, she extended her hand in a tentative gesture. But Natasha, lost in thought as she examined the photo, instinctively stepped back, avoiding Zero's touch.

Zero's heart sank at the subtle rejection, but she understood Natasha's need for space. She watched as Natasha's gaze lingered on the photo, her mind undoubtedly filled with questions about the brunette girl in the picture.

Feeling a pang of guilt, Zero couldn't help but wonder if Natasha had figured out her secret identity. Despite the slight betrayal, Natasha's reaction stirred conflicting emotions within herself. She couldn't deny the flutter of anticipation in her stomach at the thought of the girl in the photo being Zero.

Unable to bear the silence any longer, Zero took a deep breath and spoke softly, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "Natasha, I..." she began, her words faltering as she struggled to find the right words.

"Why did you lie to me about Sam? ...Did you not trust me?" Natasha asked, her tone a mixture of hurt and confusion. She felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Memories of  lingering pain of Fury's lack of trust resurfaced, casting a shadow over her current situation with Zero. Unable to bear the weight of her own insecurities, Natasha's resolve faltered.

As Natasha's question hung in the air, Zero's heart plummeted. The accusation struck her like a physical blow, How could Natasha think she didn't trust her after everything they had been through together? She had risked her life countless times alongside Natasha and for Natasha.

Yet here they stood, their bond called into question by Natasha's doubt. 

"It's not about trust," Zero began, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes locked with Natasha's. "It's never been about trust."

"What is it about then? Actually, never mind,  I don't even want to know." Natasha interjected abruptly, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration as she turned away, her body language tense. The lingering pain of past betrayals had clouded her judgment, causing her to project her fears into Zero.

Desperation surged within Zero as she watched Natasha move towards the door, the distance between them growing with each step. "Natasha, wait," she pleaded, her voice trembling with urgency, but Natasha seemed resolute in her decision to leave.

"No, it's obvious you don't trust me. I should just go," Natasha's words cut through the air, heavy with resignation. For Zero, each word was a dagger to the heart.

"Natasha, that's not—" Zero tried to protest, but Natasha's frustration drowned out her words. With a sense of finality, Natasha reached for the doorknob, her hand poised to leave.

Panicking, Zero stepped in front of the door, blocking Natasha's path. "Wait, please. Nat." she implored, her voice trembling with emotion, but Natasha's determination remained unyielding. "Move, or I'll move you," Natasha threatened, her eyes flashing with defiance. 

"Can you please just listen," Zero pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion.  Ignoring Jenna's plea, Natasha continued to push against her, her frustration boiling over. In a moment of desperation, Zero muttered, "You stubborn ass," before reaching up to swipe the side of her mask.

Note: I tried to make it this chapter so when her mask was on she was Zero, but the moment she took it off she became Jenna.

As the mask retracted, Natasha froze, her eyes widening in disbelief as she stared at Jenna, her mask now removed. Natasha's gaze remained fixed on Jenna, her mind reeling from the shock of seeing her without the mask. The soft glow of the setting sun bathed the room in a warm, golden light.

The New York skyline, visible through the window, painted its reflection into Jenna's eyes. Her gaze, once a mystery now stared back a Natasha displaying the dark brown eyes that transformed into pools of light honey illuminated by the sunlight.

Jenna's hair tousled from the rush of movement to stop Natasha from leaving, framed her face in a disheveled halo. She stood before Natasha, vulnerable yet unyielding, her silent plea hanging in the air between them.

The sight of Jenna, unmasked and exposed, left her breathless, her heart pounding with a newfound awareness. Natasha stood frozen, her mind reeling from the revelation before her. The vulnerability in Jenna's gaze mirrored the turmoil in her own heart. Natasha had accused Jenna of mistrust, yet here she stood, baring herself in a way Natasha had never anticipated.

The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken words and uncharted emotions. Natasha's throat constricted with the weight of what lay unsaid, her voice lost in the turmoil of her thoughts.  As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Natasha finally found her voice. "Zero," she whispered.

But before she could utter another word, Jenna stepped forward, closing the distance between them in a single heartbeat. With trembling hands, she reached out, her fingers brushing against Natasha's cheek in a feather-light caress.

Jenna breathed, her voice soft and unsteady. "I trust you more than you know" she whispered, her words a solemn vow that echoed through the silent room. 

"I..." Natasha began, her voice faltering as she struggled to find the words to express the depth of her feelings.

But before Natasha could speak, Jenna reached out, her fingers gently tracing the contours of Natasha's face. Natasha's breath caught in her throat as she felt the warmth of Jenna's touch, a soothing balm to her fractured heart.

"Hi Natasha," Jenna murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. "My name is Jenna." she confessed as if its their first time meeting but in some way it is . 

Natasha's heart skipped a beat as she gazed into Jenna's eyes, a rush of anticipation flooding through her veins.

Natasha's lips curved into the signature smirk as she regarded Jenna, "Jenna... That's a pretty name," she remarked, her voice laced with flirtatious undertones.

Jenna's cheeks flushed with color as she chuckled softly, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You are not flirting with me right after the fight we just had Natasha Romanoff," she teased, her voice filled with affection as she playfully nudged Natasha's shoulder.

She gently took Natasha's hand in hers. "Come on, let's get you something to change into," she suggested, her voice light and inviting.

Natasha nodded, allowing Jenna to lead her upstairs to her room. As they entered, Natasha's eyes widened in awe at the sight before her. The room was a reflection of Jenna's vibrant personality, filled with books, music, and photographs of her friends.

Jenna moved to her closet, rummaging through her clothes before emerging with a pair of sweatpants and an old band shirt. "Here," she said, offering them to Natasha with a warm smile.

Turning to Jenna, she offered her a grateful smile. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity. "For everything."

Jenna returned Natasha's smile, her eyes shining with warmth. "For you, always" she replied.

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