Chapter 14: Natasha's Soon-To-Be Favorite Bartender

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The television news montage painted a vivid picture of the aftermath of the extraterrestrial attack, with reports highlighting the heroics of the Avengers amidst the devastation.

"...devastation of what has been confirmed as an extraterrestrial attack, the extraordinary heroics of the group known as the Avengers," the male reporter's voice narrated over the images.

Amidst the citizens expressing their gratitude and concerns, one voice stood out among the rest. "It's really great knowing they're out there, you know. That someone's watching over us," a male citizen remarked, reflecting the sentiment of many.

"I love you, Thor!" a female citizen exclaimed, her adoration clear in her voice.

But not everyone shared the same sentiment. "I just don't feel safe with those things out there," one husband expressed to his wife, highlighting the underlying fear and uncertainty in the aftermath of the attack. "It seems like there's a lot they're not telling us," his wife added, echoing his concerns.

"Superheroes? In New York? Give me a break!" A man quipped. ;)

However, not all voices were supportive. "These so-called heroes have to be held responsible for the destruction done to the city. This was their fight. Where are they now?" the senator's voice rang out, reflecting a sentiment of blame and frustration.


The Avengers and Jenna gathered around a table, eating and stuffing their faces. The workers cleaned up the destroyed place.

As the Avengers sat around the table, Jenna couldn't help but voice her disbelief, holding up a newspaper with a photo of the Avengers in their iconic circle pose minus Jenna. "Seriously, guys? I missed the photo shoot trying to stay alive?!? " she exclaimed.

Steve chimed in. "Hey, you were busy saving people and you should be proud of yourself kid." he pointed out.

Jenna raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Yeah, I was doing that all by myself while you so-called 'Avengers' were posing for the camera," she quipped, her tone teasing yet playful.

Clint leaned over to Natasha, a smirk playing on his lips. "Talk about priorities," he whispered, earning a snicker from Natasha as she shook aher head in amusement.

Tony, with a mouthful of food "Hey, Kid, next time we'll make sure to save a spot for you in the photo op. Maybe we can get you a nice action shot," he suggested with a grin.

Jenna rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, sure, Tony. Just like you promised me lots of books in Stark Tower and I went and there was none."

Tony responded, "Hulk smash here decided to destroy my collection." He gestured dramatically, mimicking Hulk's actions.

Jenna rolled her eyes, "Sure, blame it on the big guy and not the collection of playboys I saw on your shelf instead. Next, you'll tell me Thor's hammer accidentally crushed your espresso machine," she teased, shaking her head in mock disappointment.

Tony  exclaimed, "wait you broke into my tower?!"

Jenna raised an eyebrow, "Well, is it breaking in if there was a hole on the side of it?" she retorted with a smirk. Jenna rolled her eyes, a playful scowl on her face. "and stop calling me Kid, I'm not a child," she retorted. 

Natasha couldn't help but smirk at the exchange. "You're not even old enough to drink," she pointed out, teasingly.

Jenna crossed her arms and pouted at her seat, shooting Natasha a mock-offended look.

Natasha chuckled, "You do make a good bartender"

Jenna raised an eyebrow. "Says the one who stole my drink", remembering the incident all too well.

Natasha feigned innocence, flashing a sly grin. "Oh, that? I considered it collateral for a mission well done or what did you call it a 'Saved-the-world drink'" she quipped.

Note: Hi! :) I hope you enjoyed the first 'act'. I know there were a lot of recaps from the movie, but I'm trying to stay within the MCU timeline while also introducing more of Jenna's personality and exploring her connections with some of the Avengers to delve deeper into their dynamics and the building of their relationships.

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