Chapter 127: Where It All Started

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An: Sorry for the no updates lately, I needed time to really take in the new Gracie Abrams album. Have you guys heard blowing smokes? Its so good.

September 22, 2024

The sun shone brightly over Clint's expansive field, casting a warm, golden glow on the picturesque scene. Friends and family were gathering, filling the air with excited chatter and laughter. This was a day of celebration, a day that many had anticipated for so long.

Inside one of the rooms of Clint's farmhouse, Jenna stood in front of a full-length mirror. Her hair, now a beautiful blend of brown on top and blonde at the bottom, fell in soft waves around her shoulders. She wore a simple yet elegant white gown that hugged her figure perfectly. Next to her, Lily and Wanda who busied themselves with final touches, helping Jenna with her jewelry.

Lily grinned as she fixed the comet necklace around Jenna's neck. "You look stunning. Absolutely perfect."

Wanda raised an eyebrow with a teasing smile. "Do you want to marry her or something?"

Lily rolled her eyes playfully. "We are literally engaged."

Wanda shook her head and smiled. "I can't believe you guys couldn't wait until the fall to get married."

Jenna laughed, "She couldn't wait" she corrected.

Lily chuckled, shaking her head. "I know, I thought out of you two, you'd be the bridezilla, but Natasha has been a whole mess planning this."

Jenna's smile widened. "She has, hasn't she? But it's adorable."

Tony walked in, pretending to gag. "Sorry, still trying to think of reasons why I gave my blessing" he joked, a playful glint in his eye.

Pepper followed closely behind, rolling her eyes with a fond smile. "Don't be fooled, he cried the whole drive here."

Bucky and Steve arrived right behind them. Steve chuckled, clapping Tony on the shoulder. "Buck did too" he added, teasingly glancing at his friend.

Bucky shot Steve a mock glare. "Hey, it was dusty, okay?"

Jenna turned to Steve. "How is she?"

Steve smiled reassuringly. "She's great. Don't worry about it. You just worry about walking down that aisle and saying 'I do'."

Lily, sensing the need for Jenna to have a few moments of peace before the ceremony, clapped her hands. "Alright, everyone out" she said, shooing them towards the door. "Let her finish up in here."

Tony feigned a pout but allowed himself to be herded out. "Fine, fine, we'll leave the bride in peace."

Pepper and the others followed suit, "You look beautiful, Jenna" Pepper called over her shoulder.

Steve and Bucky gave thumbs up, and Steve said, "See you out there."

Once the door closed behind them, Lily turned back to Jenna with a smile. "There, now you have a moment to breathe."

Jenna took a deep breath, appreciating the sudden quiet. "Thanks."

In another room, Natasha was getting ready as well. Her hair, once a striking blonde, was now almost completely back to its natural red. She adjusted her dress in the mirror, a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through her.

"Do you think she'll like it? Do you think she'll say yes?" Natasha asked anxiously, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her dress.

Laura smiled reassuringly. "Calm down, Nat. She's going to love it, and of course she's going to say yes."

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