Chapter 50: Love Revelation

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An: I had this converstation with someone in the comments and I had to bring it up. Jenna is so stuck on saving Bucky because he was her safety person when she was a kid. Her comfort person. Jenna is questioning everyone and everything in her life right now, so she is trying to get back the one person in her life that she knows isn't someone that Fury hired to get information out of. It makes me cry.


Over the next few hours, Tony and Jenna were holed up in Tony's lab, working tirelessly to prepare for Jenna's infiltration mission. One of the first things they focused on was upgrading Jenna's mask. Tony had the brilliant idea to embed an emergency button hidden within the fabric, one that Jenna could discreetly press to send her location to Tony in case of an emergency.

As they continued to brainstorm ideas, Tony suggested modifying Jenna's mask to cover the entire upper part of her face. Tony also upgraded the voice changer in the mask, ensuring that it provided better clarity and disguise, allowing her to communicate more effectively while maintaining her anonymity. In addition to the mask, Tony also set to work on creating a new suit for Jenna—one that was lightweight, flexible, and, most importantly, bulletproof. 

The lab hummed with the familiar sound of machinery as Tony and Jenna set to work. "So, tell me, kiddo" Tony began as he tinkered with a circuit board, his brow furrowed in concentration. "How exactly did you manage to get mixed up with Hydra in the first place?"

Jenna chuckled softly, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Long story," she replied cryptically, her gaze drifting to the half-finished mask in her hands. "One that involves a lot of bad luck".

Glancing over at her with a curious expression. "What's your endgame here? You planning on taking down Hydra from the inside or something?" Tony questioned.

Jenna hesitated for a moment, her expression serious. "Something like that," she replied, her gaze distant. "I have a score to settle. They owe me something, and I just want it back. Also, dismantling Hydra from the inside out is just me doing it for fun."

Tony chuckled, shaking his head. "Has anyone ever told you that you're insane?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes. "This is a whole new level of crazy, even for us."

"So, what's next on the agenda?" Tony asked, wiping a smudge of grease from his cheek as he surveyed their handiwork.


Jenna found herself in the depths of a Hydra base once again, but this time with Marcus, tension hanging thick in the air. They sat her down, eyes wary, suspicion written all over their faces.

"I get it, you don't trust me," Jenna said, meeting Marcus's gaze with a steady look. "But think about it. We both want the same thing here, don't we? We both want to see the Avengers fall. You think I'm here for kicks? I've got a score to settle, just like you."

Marcus's suspicion remained palpable, his gaze unwavering as he studied her intently. He was the one who raised her. He should know when she was lying.  Right?. The Hydra agents exchanged uneasy glances, uncertain of whether to trust her or not.

"Why would I ever willingly come back to this place after being gone for 8 years?" Jenna's voice trembled slightly, her words laced with an edge of bitterness. "You think I wanted to be part of Hydra's twisted games again? No, I'm here because I have unfinished business."

 Marcus, his expression hardening,  "My little inferno, this is what happens when you let feelings cloud your judgment. Have I taught you nothing?"

The other Hydra agents exchanged uncertain glances, their suspicions gradually giving way to contemplation. Jenna's revelation struck a chord, resonating with their own desires for power and revenge. After all, if the Avengers were out of the picture, who would stand in Hydra's way of world domination?

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