Chapter 59: The Guilt

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As the team disembarked from the Quinjet, Maria stood waiting for them, her gaze sweeping over the returning avengers. She began to greet them with a welcoming , but her expression quickly shifted to one of surprise as her eyes fell on Jenna.

"Welcome ba—" Maria began, but her words caught in her throat as she noticed Jenna stepping off the jet. "Wait, Jenna, what are you doing on the jet?" she asked, her brow furrowing.

Jenna flashed Maria a tired smile, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. "I need a nap." she replied simply, her voice tinged with weariness as she turned away, Natasha following closely at her side.

Natasha cast a brief apologetic glance at Maria before following Jenna, her concern for her partner evident in the gentle squeeze of her hand.

Maria turned her attention to rest of the team, who were still standing near the Quinjet. She called, stepping closer to them. "What happened out there? And why was she on the jet?"

Tony was the first to speak, "Oh, Jenna? She was with us the whole time, just hanging out on the jet."

Maria's brow furrowed. "Hanging out on the jet? During a mission?"

Steve nodded, backing up Tony's story, "Yeah, she was just keeping an eye on things from the jet. It got a bit hectic."

Maria's eyes narrowed slightly. "Right...". Maria glanced between the two of them, sensing there was more to the story but knowing better than to push further. "Alright. Just make sure everyone gets some rest. We'll debrief later."

"Will do," Tony said with a wink before he and Steve headed off to join the others.


As they made their way through the compound, Jenna moved slowly, every step a reminder of her exhaustion. Natasha stayed close, her hand resting lightly on Jenna's arm.

When they reached their floor, Jenna turned toward her own room, but Natasha tightened her grip and gently pulled her in the opposite direction. "You're staying with me tonight" Natasha said, her voice leaving no room for argument.

Jenna opened her mouth to protest but found she didn't have the energy. Instead, she allowed herself to be led into Natasha's room.  Natasha steered Jenna to the bed and helped her sit down. "Stay here" she instructed softly. "I'm going to take a quick shower."

Jenna nodded, her eyes following Natasha as she moved into the adjoining bathroom. The sound of running water soon filled the room, creating a background noise that was oddly comforting.

Left alone, Jenna's thoughts turned inward. She stared at the wall, her mind replaying the mission in a relentless loop. The confrontation, the chaos, and the moment she had been forced to make an impossible decision. She had taken a life for the first time, and the weight of it pressed down on her like a physical burden.

Natasha emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, her hair damp and skin glowing from the hot water. She moved quietly, pulling on a loose t-shirt and shorts before joining Jenna on the bed. Natasha's presence was a balm, and Jenna leaned into it, seeking solace in the familiarity.

Natasha wrapped an arm around Jenna's shoulders, pulling her close. "Talk to me" she urged gently. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

Jenna hesitated, her voice barely a whisper when she finally spoke. "I... I killed someone today, Nat. I didn't have a choice, but it doesn't feel any less wrong. I can't stop thinking about it."

Natasha tightened her grip, her eyes filled with understanding. "It's never easy," she began softly. "The first time is always the hardest. You did what you had to do."

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