Chapter 66: Everyone's A Sap

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February 13th, 2013

Lily pulled up to the compound in her silver car. She checked her reflection in the rearview mirror, adjusting her scarf and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Today was all about finding the perfect birthday gifts for Jenna, but she was excited to spend the day with Wanda. Too excited.

Wanda emerged from the compound, her coat wrapped tightly around her to ward off the winter chill. She spotted Lily and waved, a bright smile spreading across her face. As she approached the car, Lily popped open the passenger door and noticed that Wanda was wearing a familiar-looking hoodie underneath her coat.

"Hey Wanda. Ready to go shopping?" Lily greeted her cheerfully, then her eyes twinkled with as she added, "Nice hoodie. You stealing from Jenna too?"

Wanda chuckled, glancing down at the hoodie. "It's not a crime if it's cozy, right?""

Lily laughed as Wanda slid into the passenger seat, closing the door behind her while Lily pulled away from the compound and merging onto the main road. "I was thinking we could start with that little bookstore downtown. She is kind of a nerd."

Wanda's eyes lit up. "That sounds like a great idea."

As they drove, the conversation flowed easily between them. The city streets were bustling with people, and the festive decorations added a cheerful touch to the chilly winter day.

"So, Wanda" Lily began, her tone light and teasing, "ever thought about ditching the whole superhero gig and just becoming a hot topic employee? I mean, you've got the look for it." She grinned, throwing a playful glance Wanda's way.

Wanda laughed softly, shaking her head. "Ha. ha. I think I'd get bored too quickly. I need a bit more excitement in my life."

Lily smirked, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I could provide you with plenty of excitement, if you're ever interested."

Wanda's cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink. She looked out the window, trying to hide her smile. "You're incorrigible, you know that?"

"I try" Lily replied with a wink.

Wanda turned back to her, an eyebrow raised in amusement. "Do you flirt with all of Jenna's friends?"

Lily laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Yeah, I called dibs on Natasha, but Jenna broke the dibs rule."

Wanda chuckled, "You are horrible."

"I know" Lily agreed, her eyes still twinkling. "But, you know, I'm adaptable. I saw a better candidate."

Wanda rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress her smile. "Well, lucky me, then."

"Lucky indeed" Lily said softly.

Wanda blushed even more, her eyes dropping to her lap. "You're really something."

"And you're gorgeous when you blush" Lily said.

Wanda didn't know how to respond to that, her mind scrambling for something to say. She bit her lip and gave Lily a shy smile. "You're impossible" she murmured.

"Only with you" Lily replied, her eyes twinkling with playful warmth.

Arriving at the bookstore, Lily found a parking spot nearby. The bell above the door tinkled softly as they entered, greeted by the warm, inviting atmosphere of the shop. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with a diverse collection of novels, art supplies, and celestial-themed decor. Lily glanced around, her eyes lighting up as she spotted the familiar aisle.

"Come on" she said, nudging Wanda playfully. "Let's head to the sketchbook section. I've been getting one for Jenna every year since we were ten."

Wanda followed, intrigued. "That's really sweet. It's like a tradition, huh?"

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