Chapter 89: Ohio

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July 5th 2013, New York 

The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the quiet suburban streets as Maria sat in the passenger seat of Jenna's white Civic. Wanda was behind the wheel, gripping it tightly, her knuckles white with tension. In the back seat, Lily lounged with a relaxed, almost carefree attitude, her blonde hair catching the light as she adjusted her oversized sunglasses.

"Alright, Wanda" Maria began, her tone calm and measured, "remember to check your mirrors before you start the car."

Wanda nodded, glancing nervously at the rearview mirror and then at the side mirrors. She could feel her heart racing, the anxiety of doing something as mundane as driving almost overwhelming. Taking a deep breath, she started the car.

"Good, now ease off the brake and gently press the gas pedal," Maria instructed, watching Wanda's every move.

Wanda's foot slipped, and instead of gently pressing the gas, she slammed on the brake. The car jerked to a sudden halt, causing Maria to lurch forward in her seat.

"Nop, nop, nop! Get me out! Now! I don't want to be here!" Maria exclaimed, her face a mix of panic and regret.

Wanda looked at Maria apologetically. "I'm so sorry, Maria! I didn't mean to!"

Maria took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "I don't know why I told Smalls I would teach you how to drive. Oh my god, this is like teaching her how to drive all over again." She shook her head, the memories of a similarly chaotic driving lesson with Jenna flashing through her mind.

Lily, sitting in the back seat and enjoying the show, leaned forward with a teasing grin. "Oh, come on. You survived teaching Jenna, you can survive this."

As Wanda gained more confidence behind the wheel, she pressed the gas pedal a little too hard, causing the car to accelerate suddenly. Maria's eyes widened in panic as she instinctively reached for the handbrake, pulling it sharply. The sudden halt sent everyone flying forward, but Lily, who hadn't fastened her seatbelt, was jolted particularly hard, tumbling onto the floor in the back seat.

"Whoa, slow down!" Maria exclaimed, her heart racing from the adrenaline rush.

Lily groaned from the floor, "Remind me to wear a seatbelt next time," she muttered.

Maria chuckled, reaching down to pick up the necklace that had fallen from Jenna's mirror during the chaos. It was the dog tag, engraved with the name "Nate." But the 'E' was crossed out and replaced with an 'S.'

Lily leaned forward from the back seat, squinting to get a better look. "What's that you got there?"

Maria examined the pendant closely, her brow furrowing in confusion. "It's a necklace... with little fishes on it that says Nat's." She shook her head, laughing softly. 

Lily couldn't help but chuckle at the sentimentality of it. "Those two are disgustingly cute" she remarked, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

Maria smiled wistfully. "Yeah, they are" she agreed.

"Okay, no more sap" Lily declared, suddenly serious. "Focus up. You gotta teach Wanda how to drive so I can become a passenger princess again after my driver left me."

Wanda glanced over at Lily with a smirk. "I am not gonna be your chauffeur, picking you up drunk from a party."

Lily grinned mischievously. "Of course not, Red. You're gonna be my plus one to the party," she said, winking at Wanda.

Maria groaned, "Neither of you are gonna be going anywhere with the way she is driving," she interjected.

Lily grinned, sliding into the front seat. "Yeah, yeah, Maria, don't you have somewhere to be?" she teased.

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