Chapter 69: Is That My Hat?

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Natasha woke up before the crack of dawn, slipped out of bed quietly, and headed out to pick up breakfast for them. After returning, she set the food down in the kitchen and then made her way to their room to wake up Jenna.

Jenna stirred, "Why are you up so early?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Natasha approached the bed with a gentle smile. "Good morning, sleepyhead" she said softly, leaning down to press a kiss to Jenna's forehead.

Jenna blinked her eyes open, a small smile tugging at her lips. "What time is it?" she asked, stretching her arms above her head.

"Early" Natasha replied, brushing a stray strand of hair from Jenna's face. "But we've got a busy day ahead. I need to plan for tomorrow's mission and you need to get ready for class."

Jenna groaned, burying her face in the pillow. "Can't we just stay in bed all day?" she joked.

Natasha chuckled, running a hand through Jenna's hair. "As much as I'd love that, I got rookies  to prepare for a mission."

Natasha grinned, "Breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen"

As Jenna got ready for her day, Natasha plated the breakfast she had picked up earlier, arranging the food on the table. 

"First big mission tomorrow?" Jenna said, sliding into a chair at the table.

Natasha nodded as she poured a cup of coffee for Jenna. "Yeah, Wanda, Sam, and Pietro are all on the team for tomorrow's mission" she confirmed. "Wanda seems a bit nervous, though."

Jenna took a sip of her coffee, "She'll do great. She is just scared of her powers, I get it"

Natasha smiled, her eyes softening as she looked at Jenna. "Do you want me to pick you up after class? We can go back to the compound together," she offered.

Jenna nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, that sounds nice. But we'll have to drop Lily off," she added, anticipating Natasha's reaction.

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully. "Lily this, Lily that" she teased. Natasha feigned offense, placing a hand over her heart dramatically. "Do you love her more than me?" she teased.

Jenna chuckled, reaching out to cup Natasha's face in her hands cutting her off with a kiss. "Know your limits, Romanoff"  she joked.

As they pulled back, Jenna whispered, "I'm kidding. I love you very much, maybe almost more than Mr. Bear." She grinned mischievously. "Which, by the way, you need to bring back to the apartment. I miss him."

Natasha laughed, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I love you very much too" she replied, brushing her thumb over Jenna's cheek. "But Mr. Bear is staying with me. I need a cuddle buddy on late missions when I can't make it home."

Jenna rolled her eyes playfully. "Fine," she conceded with a grin. "But you better take good care of him. He's been with me through thick and thin."

Natasha leaned in to kiss Jenna again, "Mr. Bear will be in good hands."


Natasha sat with the team in the briefing room at the compound, her gaze focused on the screen displaying details of their upcoming mission.

"What we've got here is some hard intel on an ex-HYDRA operative working his way toward Lagos, Nigeria" Steve explained. Steve Rogers leaned forward, "We're going in to apprehend him before he can cause any more damage" he added.

"We'll need to move fast," Natasha said, her voice calm and authoritative. "We can't afford any slip-ups."

Steve turned to Sam and Wanda, his expression focused and determined. "Sam, you'll take point outside. We need eyes in the sky to monitor any incoming threats and provide cover fire if necessary."

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