Chapter 33: What are you going to do about it?

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Over the next few months, the Avengers settled into their routine, tackling threats and challenges. Amidst the chaos of their missions, Zero became a familiar presence at the Avengers Tower.

Every day after school and every weekend, Zero would make her way to the tower, working with Maria to help the Avengers on their missions, upgrading the team's suits in her lab, or simply hanging out with Tony, ensuring he didn't add anything absurd to his suit. Like last week, he wanted to install a drinking straw inside his helmet filled with whiskey, just in case he had a long day. Pepper spend the next 45 minutess reminding Tony the law on drinking and driving also applies to drinking and fly.

As the night settled over the city, Zero often found herself in the lab, tinkering away. The quiet hum of machinery and the soft glow of computer screens provided a comforting backdrop as she worked tirelessly. Natasha and Zero has been attached to the hip since the move,she would often join Zero in the lab during these late-night sessions. While Zero delved into her projects, Natasha would sit beside her, working on her mission reports.
As Clint made his way towards the exit of the tower, he noticed Natasha sitting in the corner of the lab, her gaze fixed on Zero, who was engrossed in her work at the other end of the table. Something about the way Nat watched Zero caught Clint's attention

Clint cleared his throat, drawing her attention away from Zero for a moment. "Hey, Nat," he began, his voice gentle. "Can we talk for a second?"

Natasha blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Clint. She shifted in her seat, a faint blush creeping into her cheeks. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure," she replied.

"Are you okay?" Clint began with a knowing look. "Oh, uh, yeah, everything's fine," she replied, her voice unconvincing even to her own ears.

Clint raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You sure about that?" he pressed.

Natasha hesitated, her mind racing as she searched for the right words. "No, I'm not," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Clint's smile softened, his eyes filled with understanding. "What's on your mind, Nat?" he asked softly.

Natasha fidgeted with her fingers her brow furrowed in concentration as she struggled to find the right words. She began hesitantly, "I need your advice." Natasha hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the thoughts swirling in her mind. "It's about Zero," she admitted, her voice barely audible.

Clint nodded understandingly, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Go on," he encouraged gently.

Natasha took a deep breath, her mind racing as she tried to put her feelings into words. "I... I don't know how to explain it," she confessed, her voice tinged with frustration. "I just... I feel... something."

Clint's lips twitched in amusement as he watched with a knowing look as Natasha struggle to articulate her feelings. He knew all too well what was brewing beneath the surface.

"It sounds like you have a crush, Nat," Clint offered casually, a teasing smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment. "A crush?" she repeated, the word foreign on her tongue.

Clint couldn't help but chuckle softly at Natasha's reaction, a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, a crush. You know, when you get all googly-eyed and butterflies in your stomach around someone," he explained, his tone light and teasing.

Natasha shot him a pointed look, her expression a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "I know what a crush is, Clint," she retorted dryly, rolling her eyes.

Clint raised his hands in mock surrender, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hey, just making sure," he replied, his tone unapologetically cheeky. And as Natasha shot him a playful glare, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of amusement amidst her embarrassment. 

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