Chapter 68: Extraction Complete

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May 1st, 2013

 The team gathered in the conference room of the compound. Tony stood at the end, a holographic display projected from his device, showing a map of Lagos and several documents marked with the Hydra insignia.

"Alright, everyone, listen up" Tony began, his tone commanding attention. "We've found something on the the flash drive we retrieved a while back. There's intel on a biological weapon being developed in Lagos."

"We need to start preparing immediately" Tony continued, his gaze sweeping across the team. "This isn't just any weapon; the documents suggest it could be a game-changer in biological warfare. We need all hands on deck for this one."

He turned his attention to Jenna, his expression softening slightly. "kid, I want you to dive into the data and see if you can find any more information about this weapon. We need to know exactly what we're dealing with."

Jenna nodded, her resolve firm. "I'll get on it right away" she replied.

Tony gave her an appreciative nod before continuing. "The rest of you, start prepping for a potential mission. We might need to move quickly once we have more intel. Steve, Nat, I need you to work on a strategy for infiltration or containment. Wanda, Sam, Pietro I need you to be ready for any potential fallout."

Jenna walked briskly to the lab. She immediately sat down at her workstation, her fingers dancing across the holographic keyboard as she brought up the files from the flash drive. The data was dense and convoluted, filled with cryptic references and fragmented information.

Hours slipped by unnoticed as Jenna meticulously sifted through the files, her concentration unbroken. Finally, she found a reference to the Institute for Infectious Diseases, a facility in Lagos where the biological weapon was allegedly being stored. However, the details were sparse and frustratingly vague, offering little more than a location and a few coded entries.

Jenna sighed, leaning back in her chair.  The lab door opened, and Nat walked in, carrying two sandwiches. She wore a warm smile, her presence instantly easing some of Jenna's tension. "Hey, you missed lunch" Nat said, holding up two sandwiches.

Nat pulled up a rolling chair and sat next to Jenna, handing her the grilled cheese. "I figured you could use a break" she added.

Jenna took the sandwich with a smile. "Thanks" she said. She then leaned over and gave Nat a quick kiss.

A smile tugged at Natasha's lips. "What was that for?"

Jenna grinned, "Needed to kiss you before you eat the peanut butter sandwich."

Nat laughed, "It's not my fault you're allergic."

Jenna pouted playfully. "So, no more kisses then?"

Nat's eyes softened, and she leaned in, brushing her lips against Jenna's once more. "I never said that" she whispered.

"So, what have you found?" Nat asked.

Jenna sighed, setting down her sandwich. "I found a reference to the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Lagos. That's where the weapon is supposedly stored, but there's not much information beyond that."

Nat frowned, "Why don't you take a break? We could go for a walk. Clear your head a bit."

Jenna looked at Nat, considering the suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds good" Jenna agreed.

Nat smiled, taking her hand. "Come on then. Let's get some fresh air."

As they walked, Jenna stopped suddenly, her gaze drawn to a glass window looking out at the courtyard. She saw Wanda using her powers to launch Steve into the air. He landed gracefully, a broad smile on his face as he readied himself for another round.

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