Chapter 10: You're Doing Great Sweetie

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As Zero slowly regained consciousness, she groaned, her head pounding from the impact of the fallen pipe. Blinking through the haze, she took in her surroundings, her eyes widening in alarm as she saw Natasha trapped under the heavy pipe and Bruce in the midst of his transformation.

A nervous laugh escaped Zero's lips, "Oh god, it's like I'm 12 all over again, and Shrek is gonna murder me," she quipped.

Summoning her resolve, Zero pushed herself up and stumbled over to Natasha's side. Despite the fear gnawing at her, she forced a smile, determined to help in any way she could. "Hey, how are you?" she ask. Natasha cast a quick glance at Zero, her expression a mix of disbelief and urgency. "Are you serious right now?" she asked incredulously, her tone edged with a sense of urgency as she assessed their precarious situation.

Together, Zero and Natasha strained against the weight of the pipe, their combined efforts slowly but steadily lifting it off Natasha's trapped foot. With a final grunt of effort, they managed to free her, Natasha breathing a sigh of relief as the pressure on her leg eased. As Natasha stands, she locks eyes with the Hulk, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Without hesitation, she turns and sprints up the catwalk stairs, her heart pounding in her chest as the monstrous figure gives chase.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Natasha swings over a catwalk and grabs Zero, pulling her along as they dodge debris and obstacles. Zero's protests fall on deaf ears as Natasha rolls them both under a turbine, narrowly avoiding the Hulk's massive grasp.

As Natasha continues her frantic escape, leaping through small openings and darting between pipes, Zero can barely keep up. "Please slow down, woman! I am not agile!" she cries out between gasps.

As Natasha and Zero huddled under the engine, the darkness enveloped them, broken only by the faint glow of emergency lights. Natasha's senses were on high alert, her grip tightening on her gun as she listened for any sign of movement.

When the footsteps grew louder, signaling the approach of the Hulk, Natasha tensed, her heart pounding in her chest. With a swift motion, she pulled her gun and positioned herself protectively in front of Zero , motioning for Zero to stay close behind.

Suddenly, the Hulk leaped at them, his roar echoing through the narrow passage. Reacting quickly, Natasha fired her gun at a pipe above his head, releasing a burst of gas that momentarily disoriented him. Seizing the opportunity, she darted along the passage, the Hulk hot on her heels.

But despite her best efforts, Natasha couldn't outrun the relentless force of the Hulk. With a powerful swing, he backhanded her against the wall Zero, still dazed from the impact, instinctively wrapped her arms around Natasha, shielding her from the brunt of the blow. Though she felt the impact reverberate through her own body, she held on tight, determined to protect her friend. And she passes out again. (This girl can't catch a break)

As the Hulk loomed over Natasha, his fist raised , it seemed like all hope was lost. But just as he prepared to strike, a sudden crash reverberated through the air as Thor tackled him through the wall, sending debris flying in all directions.

Zero's eyes fluttered open, her head pounding as she took in the scene before her. With a groan, she pushed herself up, rubbing her temples as she muttered, "This is worse than a hangover, dear lord." Natasha couldn't help but chuckle at Zero's remark, the sound echoing softly in the tense atmosphere. Zero let out a small smile at Natasha's laugh.

As the tension momentarily lifted, Natasha's gaze softened, her eyes meeting Zero's. Zero, sensing Natasha's distress, reached out a hand to offer comfort.

Just as Natasha was about to accept Zero's outstretched hand, they both heard Fury's voice crackle over the earpiece, cutting through the momentary respite."It's Barton, he took out our systems. He's headed for the detention lab. Does anybody copy?" Fury's urgent tone brought Natasha back to full alertness. Natasha quickly regained her composure, her training kicking in. She rose to her feet, ready to spring into action. "This is Agent Romanoff. I copy," she responded into her earpiece, her voice firm and resolute. 


Zero watched in tense anticipation as Natasha and Barton engaged in a fierce struggle. Peeking up from behind a nearby rail, she couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Do you need help?" Zero popped her head out from under the stairs and called out, her voice wavering with concern as she witnessed the intense confrontation unfolding before her.

But Natasha could respond, "Zero I swear to god stay down". Barton's actions spoke for themselves. With a swift and calculated move, Natasha grabbed Barton's arm, attempting to disarm him. He resisted, groaning as he shifted the dagger to his free hand. Natasha, undeterred, seized his other hand as well, but Barton managed to hoist her up, his grip tightening.

In a desperate Barton grabbed Natasha's hair, pulling her head back and exposing her neck to his dagger. As Barton grabbed Natasha's hair, Zero couldn't help but intervene, her voice cutting through the tension. "You shouldn't do that without permission, sir," she admonished, Zero spotted a loose pipe nearby and, without thinking twice, grabbed it and hurled it at Barton. The pipe soared through the air hitting Barton right on the head. "OOPS SORRY I WAS AIMMING FOR... Well um I don't know what I was aimming for but it wasn't your head.....". his eyes blazing with anger. Realizing the gravity of her actions, Zero's heart skipped a beat. "Oh god," she muttered under her breath, bracing herself for whatever retaliation Barton might unleash. Natasha grabs him and knocks him down Barton crashed to the ground, groaning in pain, but his determination remained unyielding. Despite his injuries, he looked up, his gaze meeting Natasha's with a mixture of defiance and desperation.

"Natasha?" Barton questioned.

Natasha wasted no time in delivering a swift left hook, her punch landing squarely on Barton's jaw. Zero looks over at Natasha and gives her a thumbs up smiling like an idiot.

But her momentary respite was shattered by the urgent voice of Fury crackling through her earpiece.

"Agent Coulson is down," Fury's voice echoed, the words sending a chill down Zero's spine. In that moment, the weight of the situation bore down on her like a ton of bricks, and she felt her whole world crashing down.

Zero's heart skipped a beat. Without a moment's hesitation, she bolted towards Coulson's location, her mind racing with the desperate hope of saving him. Ignoring the protests of her weary body, she reached Coulson's side and knelt beside him, tears welling up in her eyes.

With trembling hands, Zero placed her palms over Coulson's body, channeling every ounce of her healing into him. But as seconds stretched into agonizing minutes, it became painfully clear that her efforts were in vain. Coulson remained still, his life slipping away despite her best efforts.

The realization hit Zero like a physical blow, and she felt her strength draining away along with Coulson's fading life force. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she fought to keep him with them, her vision blurring with exhaustion and grief.

But ultimately, the battle was lost. With a soft cry of despair, Zero collapsed beside Coulson's motionless form, her body succumbing to the overwhelming strain of her futile attempt to save him. Darkness enveloped her once more as she slipped into unconsciousness, the weight of her sorrow and exhaustion too heavy to bear.


Note: Um so no pancake party......

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