Chapter 1: Unexpected Guests

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The gentle morning sunlight poured through the windows of Jenna's cozy apartment, painting the small kitchen in a warm, inviting glow. With a hum on her lips, she expertly flipped a pancake, relishing in the serene solitude of her morning routine. However, the tranquil ambiance was swiftly disrupted when the door to her apartment swung open unceremoniously, revealing two unexpected visitors: Nick Fury and Maria Hill.

Jenna's gaze sharpened as she turned to face the intruders, her spatula still poised mid-air. "Nick? Mia?" she inquired, her tone tinged with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Nick Fury, renowned for his stoic demeanor, sported an uncharacteristic smile as he entered, followed closely by Maria Hill. "Good morning, Jenna," he greeted cheerfully, as if their sudden appearance was a mere social call. "We thought we'd drop by and whip up some breakfast."

Maria added with a mischievous grin, "Yeah, we've missed you."

Jenna's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. She had known Fury and Maria for some time, and their unexpected display of warmth was entirely out of character. "Miss me?" she echoed incredulously, still stirring her pancake batter. "Maria, you live down the hall... and Nick, we literally had dinner together last night." They exchanged a knowing look. "Oh god, what did you guys do? Who are you hiding from? Who do we need to get rid of?"

Fury and Maria exchanged a fleeting glance, their smiles faltering for a moment before Fury leaned casually against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms with a hint of solemnity. "Fine, We've come with a proposition, Jenna," he began, his tone betraying the gravity of his words.

Jenna's spatula paused mid-stir, her curiosity piqued. "A proposition?"

Fury nodded gravely. "We want you to help with the Avengers initiative."

Jenna's grip on the spatula slackened, the weight of Fury's words sinking in. "The Avengers?" she repeated, her skepticism palpable. "Is this some elaborate attempt at persuasion?You butter me up with breakfast that I am already cooking?"

Maria stepped forward, her expression earnest. "Call it what you will. But the truth is, we need you. "

Jenna's mind raced with questions, her gaze shifting between Fury and Maria. "Why me? Surely there are others better suited for such a task."

Fury's gaze held steady, his tone unwavering. "Because you're special, Jenna. You have qualities that set you apart and we desperately need you." A flicker of uncertainty crossed Jenna's features, her skepticism warring with a newfound sense of purpose. "And what if I refuse?"

Fury's gaze softened, a hint of understanding in his eyes. "The choice is yours, Kid. But know that your skills would be invaluable to us."

Maria interjected with a playful smirk, "And let's not forget your gourmet pancakes. We'd be lost without those."

Jenna couldn't help but crack a smile at Maria's jest,  "If you want one just ask Mia not need to beat around the bush", a glimmer of determination lighting up her eyes. "but, if you're going to recruit me, I suppose the least you could do is finish making breakfast."

With a shared chuckle, Fury and Maria set to work alongside Jenna, the weight of their conversation lingering in the air. 

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