Chapter 81: Friends

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An: Guys how can I pass up on including picture of Nat from BW.


The three walked to the gas station with Yelena striding purposefully ahead, her posture tense and her gaze fixed forward. Natasha and Jenna followed a few steps behind, their pace slower and more measured. The silence between them was thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension.

Jenna stumbled over a loose stone, nearly falling. Natasha reached out instinctively, steadying her. The sunlight caught Jenna's face, illuminating her pale skin and the dark bags under her eyes. The exhaustion was palpable; they hadn't slept in almost three days.

Natasha's heart clenched with guilt. She had dragged her into this, and now she could see the toll it was taking on her. 

"You okay?" Natasha asked softly.

"Yeah, just a bit tired" Jenna admitted, trying to downplay the severity of her exhaustion.

Natasha's grip on her tightened slightly, "We'll find a place to rest soon" she assured her, though she knew how uncertain that promise was.

Jenna smiled weakly, "It's okay, I don't want to slow you guys down."

"You're not" Natasha replied firmly.

Jenna attempted to joke, her smile widening a fraction. "I think I'm going insane though" she said.

Natasha chuckled softly,  "Just hang in there a little longer."

Natasha reached over and gently grabbed Jenna's hand, which was tucked into her hoodie pocket. Jenna winced slightly at the touch, and Natasha immediately softened her grip.

"Sorry" Natasha said, concern evident in her voice. "Did I hurt you?"

Jenna shook her head, giving Natasha a small smile. "No, it's okay. Just a little sore, that's all." Natasha halted in her step and grabbed Jenna's arm softly turning her around. Natasha's heart sank as she lifted Jenna's shirt slightly, revealing the bruises scattered across her skin. Concern flooded her expression as she met Jenna's gaze. "You know you can always go home if you don't want to keep doing this" she murmured softly.

Jenna's eyes met Natasha's, she reached out, cupping Natasha's face in her hands. "Me and you to the end, remember?" she said firmly.

"You are hurt" Natasha insisted.

Jenna leaned in closer, her gaze steady. "So if I lift up your shirt right now, you wouldn't have bruises either?" she countered, her tone gentle yet firm. "I know what I signed up for, Nat. I'm okay, I promise."

A small smile tugged at Natasha's lips as she watched Jenna lift up her pinkie finger. Without hesitation, Natasha mirrored the gesture, locking her pinkie with Jenna's. Natasha's smile grew softer as she brought Jenna's hand to her lips, pressing a gentle kiss on the back of it. "I love you." she murmured. "I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to say it lately."

Jenna's expression softened, "I know, Nat. It's okay."

"No, it's not" Natasha insisted, her voice barely above a whisper. "You deserve to hear it, especially now. I don't know what I would've done without you."

Jenna's smile widened, "You're doing pretty great."


As they entered the gas station, Natasha and Yelena fell into a tense conversation while Jenna made her way to the back of the store, heading straight for the freezer section grabbing a pint of ice cream. Yelena's voice carried a hint of accusation as she spoke. "You said she was just someone important, not someone you were with." 

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