Chapter 54: Movie Night

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Jenna leaned against the railings of the training area, a grin playing on her lips as she watched Natasha put Sam through his paces. Steve stood nearby, his arms crossed over his chest, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he observed the training session.

Natasha moved with precision and grace, her movements fluid and calculated as she sparred with Sam. He darted forward, throwing a series of punches that Natasha effortlessly dodged and countered, sending him stumbling backward.

Jenna chuckled under her breath, enjoying the spectacle unfolding before her. It was always entertaining to watch Natasha in action, her skills unmatched by anyone else on the team. Jenna murmured to herself, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "I can give Natasha a run for her money."

As the training session continued, Wanda and Pietro approached the training area, eager to join in. But before they could even step foot onto the mat, Natasha held up a hand, signaling for them to stop.

"Sorry, guys," Natasha called out, her voice firm but gentle. "No powers today. We're working on hand-to-hand combat skills."

With a nod from Natasha, the siblings took their positions opposite the widow. It quickly became apparent that Wanda and Pietro were outmatched. Jenna and Sam watched from the sidelines. Natasha closed in on Pietro, her fist poised to strike, Pietro's eyes widened in panic. In a split second decision, he used his super speed to dart behind Wanda, pushing her forward just in time to take the brunt of Natasha's punch.

Wanda stumbled forward with a yelp of surprise, her eyes wide as she collided with Natasha's fist. The impact sent Wanda sprawling to the ground, while Natasha froze in disbelief Jenna and Sam burst into hysterical laughter at the sight, clutching their sides as tears streamed down their cheeks. Unable to contain himself any longer, Steve let out a snort of amusement, quickly covering his mouth with his hand to stifle his laughter.

Pietro grinned sheepishly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he offered Wanda a hand up. "Sorry" he said.

Wanda rolled her eyes , "Yeah, thanks for the warning" she replied as she dusted herself off.

Wanda couldn't resist the opportunity for a retaliation. She focused her powers on a nearby foam mat, lifting it into the air with a flick of her wrist. Jenna and Sam, still wiping tears of laughter from their eyes, were caught off guard as the foam mat soared through the air towards them. With a surprised yelp, they barely had time to react before the mat collided with them. Laughter erupted once again as Jenna and Sam landed in a heap on the floor, the foam mat draped over them like a makeshift blanket. 

Wanda turned to Steve with a puzzled expression, gesturing towards Jenna and Sam who were still laughing on the ground despite being hit by the foam mat. "I just hit them, and they're still laughing"

Steve chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as he watched the two teammates attempt to extricate themselves from the tangle of foam. "Those two are like two peas in a pod, but that pod's in the middle of a tornado," he replied.

Pietro approached Natasha,  "Hey Natasha, why doesn't Jenna train like the rest of us?".

Natasha glanced over at Jenna before turning back to Pietro, a small smile playing on her lips. "She isn't a field agent" she explained, her tone matter-of-fact. "In fact, she isn't even an agent. She's literally Stark's intern."

Pietro frowned, his curiosity piqued. "But wouldn't it be fun to see her in action?" he mused aloud. "I bet she'd surprise us all."

Jenna, catching wind of the conversation,"Hey, leave me out of this," she interjected "I'm perfectly content being the tech guru behind the scenes. Field work isn't exactly my cup of tea."

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