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"Scarlett, this Liam kid keeps calling your phone!"

I turn off the shower and sigh. I wrap my body in a towel and walk out to my mom's room. She's on her way out, back to the hospital. She's still been working double shifts to make up for bill payments. She hands me my phone and kisses me on the cheek as she walks out.

I stare down at my screen and contemplate everything in my head. I could talk things out with Liam and move on. I could also blame everything on Theo and say I never wanted to kiss him in the first place, even though I kind of did. Lastly, I could take Theo's advice and find someone stronger than Liam. I do need someone who can actually protect me and not run away like Liam.

If I'm gonna date a werewolf, I need to date one who knows what he's doing. Someone like... Derek. I huff and go to change into some clothes. As I'm tying my hair back, I hear my phone buzz. It's, once again, Liam. I hit ignore and head to the kitchen. Scott and Stiles are at the station with the sheriff. I'm searching the fridge when my phone buzzes. I expect to it to be Liam but it's actually Theo. He's another one I don't know what to say to. I just pick it up and hold my breath. "Theo?"

"Scarlett, how soon can you get to where I am?"

"Where exactly is that?"

I hear him laugh. "Come on, you're the Alpha. You'll figure it out."

The line clicks. I roll my eyes and head out. I take a huge whiff in the air and follow Theo's scent to a long alley way. Police and ambulance are all over. Theo is hanging at the top of a ledge, looking down at it all. "Theo, what the hell is going on?"

"Apparently, someone attacked a lawyer and police escorts on their way to take a teen to prison. One was murdered and the other two were...mauled. The sheriff just sent Scott to go look for the teen."

I look down at the bodies being wheeled in to the ambulance trucks. It has been a while since something like this has happened. This is what strikes fear into my heart. "Do you think it was a werewolf attack?"

"I do. Do you know any new werewolves in town that could've done this?"

"What makes you think it was a new werewolf?"

He points to the van. There are claw marks in the top and broken glass everywhere. "This looks like it was a frenzy, revenge maybe."

I shake my head. "If a werewolf was mad at someone, or wanted revenge, they wouldn't do it like this."

"How do you know?"

"I have had my fair share of revenge plots. Werewolves plan." Theo nods as he puts the pieces together in his head. I look to see the sheriff and Stiles talking. "My question is: why didn't Scott or Stiles call me?"

He shrugs. "They think they can do it on their own."

"I know they can but we're a pack. I think I deserve to know if something like this happens. A new werewolf might mean another Alpha. Another Alpha might mean another pack. Another pack means a fight, a fight I don't want to get into."

"I told you. Scott thinks he's in charge and Stiles is the brains. They don't see a need for you anymore."

I feel my transformation kick in. Scott and I made an agreement to never keep secrets and tell each other everything. Supernatural or not. If what Theo says is right, I'm not only losing my pack. I'm losing my brother. The next day at school, we all meet at school by the school buses, by my Jeep. I sit on the hood while surrounded by Lydia, Malia, Stiles, Scott, Liam and Mason. Apparently, Tracy is actually the one who was responsible for the attack. This means she is the new werewolf Theo hypothesized about. "Tracy didn't just have trouble sleeping," Lydia states. "It was a real disorder. Night terrors."

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