Motel California

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We pull up into an old motel parking lot. Me and Scott step off the bus and sigh. "We've seen worse, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, I think so."

Stiles scoffs. "Where was that at?"

"Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves," the coach explains. "You'll be pairing up. There will be one group of three. Choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

As we're walking inside, I look to the coach. "That's very offensive, Coach."

He blows his whistle in my face. "To your room, McCall!"

In our room, Scott and Stiles discuss our top 9 suspects in the recent human sacrifice murders but only explains four. I just curl up in me and Scott's bed. I still listen but don't say much of anything. "Adrian Harris. Just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead. Cora Hale. No one knows anything about her and she's Derek's sister. Dr. Deaton. I don't really like the whole Obi Wan thing he's got going on. It freaks me out." Me and Scott gives Stiles a blank look. "Oh, my God. Have you still not seen Star Wars?"

I turn and press against Scott. "I promise, if we make it out alive, we'll watch the movies, Stiles," I say.

"Okay, what about Lydia? She was totally controlled by Peter and she had no idea."

"It might be someone else at school. Matt was the kanima Master and responsible for several deaths. Back then, we didn't know that he was killing people," Scott says.

Stiles scoffs. "I said Matt was responsible long before we actually learned the truth."

Scott goes into the bathroom and I just get under the covers. Stiles goes to the vending machine for snacks. "Scarlett, are you okay?" Scott asks, coming from the bathroom and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I just look at my brother. "Would you be okay if you saw Allison fall to her death?"

He gets who and what I'm hinting at. He puts his forehead to mines. Then he's pulled away from me. I sit up and see Deucalion holding him by the neck. He smiles and rips his throat out. Stiles walks in and I turn into his direction. I turn back and Scott is back to my side, untouched. Lydia asks to meet with Stiles, only Stiles. Scott leaves, acting weird. I just sit in my bed and almost cry. I hear Derek's voice. 'You killed me,' the voice said. 'I would expect you to show some kind of remourse but you don't seem to care at all.'

Hours pass of the voice. I howl, hoping for Derek to respond or just for the voice to stop. I find myself in the window, standing half inside and half outside. I hear Deucalion behind me. "Do it, Scarlett. You killed Derek. You pushed him off the ledge."

I gulp. "I killed Derek."

Without thinking, I throw myself out the window. I prepare myself for my death but someone catches me. I found myself looking into Scott's eyes. It was pouring rain. "Scott? Why did you do that?"

I jump out of his arms. Lydia, Allison and Stiles come running outside. "I killed Derek and you're gonna save me!?"

"Scar, Derek wasn't your fault," Stiles says, walking closer.

I start to feel so much rage. "Yes it was! He should've just killed me and he could be still alive! I'm not important so what would it matter?"

"Scar, you're important to me. To Stiles. Mom."

"I just stopped your brother from blowing himself up and I really don't wanna see you splat in a parking lot. You're like a sister I never had. You're important to all of us."

I start crying and I can't get my mind together. Different memories run through my head. Me and Scott when we were little, Stiles and I playing lacrosse, Derek making me laugh. It all made me break down. I fall on the ground and hold my head in my hands. Scott bends down and pulls me into an embrace. I try to fight him at first but I just hug him back. The next morning, the coach finds Boyd, Isaac, Lydia, Allison, Stiles, Scott and I sleeping on the bus. "I don't even want to know."

He announces that the meet has been canceled. Ethan thanks Scott for saving his life. Stiles reminds Ethan that it was actually him and tells him Derek is alive. "Derek is alive?" I ask.

He also warns him that the death of Ennis, for which Ethan blames Derek, will result in one of two things. "Derek will be forced to join the Alpha Pack or we kill him."

Lydia notices a purple stain on Coach's shirt where his whistle rests. She asks to see it and discovers it filled with wolfsbane powder. This means, each time he blew the whistle on the bus, everyone got dosed with wolfsbane which might explain how the Darach caused the hallucinations. Stiles throws it out the window and the bus drives away. I squeeze next to Scott. "Thank you for saving me last night, Scott."

"You're welcome. You're my twin sister. I can't lose you."

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