A Novel Approach

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I stand by my locker and try to brush off whatever I thought happened to me with the Dread Doctors and Theo. I was dreaming and it felt real. It has happened before with Stiles and the nogitsune. When I told Theo about it, he laughed and called me crazy. Then he swore to me that he would never hurt me by working with the Dread Doctors and I believe him. He seems like the only person I can put my faith into anymore. Things have been tense between me and Scott. Ever since I told him I wouldn't be by his side anymore, he barely says three words to me. A small part of me regrets saying what I did but another part keeps telling me that it was best to let it out now then later. I haven't spoken to Stiles since we talked on the phone as well.


I snap out of my thoughts and turn around. Ms. Martin is standing there, smiling. I shut my locker. "Hi, Ms. Martin. Something I can do for you?"

"Yes, I would like to talk to you in my office."

I follow her into what use to be Ms. Morrell's office. She sits in her desk chair and I sit in the chair across from her. "So, what is this about?"

She takes out a blank notepad and pen. "Well, a few of your friends came to me and were worried about you and I saw that you use to meet with Ms. Morrell and I thought mayb-"

"What friends and what could they possibly be worried about?"

She slips off her glasses and leans in. "Well, Scott notices that you sometimes have trouble sleeping and have a hard time focusing in class. Stiles Stilinski told me about your situation with Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar. Then your mom called and told me about your offer to go to London for college."

I cross my legs and lean back in my chair. "What do you wanna start with?"

"Well, why don't you tell me what happened between you with Liam Dunbar. From what I've heard, you two had a great relationship."

I shift awkwardly in my seat. "Well, Theo and I were great friends back in fourth grade. He moved away then I moved to San Francisco. He just came back for senior year. It was really awkward. The night before senior year, I came back from South America. I was so happy to see Liam, Scott and Stiles. But, that night, Theo kissed me and Liam saw. After that, things weren't the same. Some girl came to me and said she was Liam's ex and that he was using me for popularity like he did with her. I believed her. When we broke up, I went straight to Theo."

Ms. Martin was writing the whole time. "From what I'm hearing, Theo came in and got in your head."

"No, Theo isn't like that. He would nev-"

"Scarlett, don't you think you're blinded by the fact that Theo is using charms or his good looks to manipulate you?"

I start looking back. Theo kissed me that night. Maybe he knew Liam was coming. Theo overheard me breaking up with Liam. He knew it all and planned it from the start. "I think you're right. Maybe Theo was trying to take me from Liam to have me all for himself."

"Exactly. Now, let's discuss your offer to London. Do you think you'll go?"

"I've really thought about it. But, London is so far away. I don't think I could ever handle being far away from Scott or Stiles or Lydia or my mom. I want to go to UC Davis with Scott and become a nurse like my mom. London, I have full scholarship but I think I have enough credits to get one for UC Davis."

She looks up and smiles at me. "Well I know you're a very bright girl and I know you will figure out which is best for you and your future."

That night, I'm downstairs in the living room when Scott and Kira come downstairs and walk toward the door. "Where are you guys going?" I ask, standing up.

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