Letharia Vulpina

2.6K 91 5

We run downstairs and the parking lot is full of chaos. I see a big pool of water. Me and Scott are about to run through when Derek stops us. He brings to our attention that there is an open cord in the water. I then see a medic, Isaac and Lydia passed out in the water. Without thinking, I run out to get Isaac. I grab him by the shirt and drag him toward Derek. When I have him at safety, I run for Lydia. Since she's smaller than me, I'm able to pick her up and carry her. When I finish, Scott is looking at me with shock. "What?"

"You just ran through the water."

I look back and see the open cord still in the water. I look down at my wet feet and legs then back at Scott. "I..."

Before I can come up with an excuse, I look over to see Kira holding out her hands, the sparking cord whipping around in front of her. She grabs it and places her hand over it. She closes her eyes, but when she opens them, they're glowing a warm amber. Derek is trying to perform CPR on Isaac. "He's not breathing!" he yells.


The next morning, I sit on my bed and flashback to everything. Derek's voice rang in my head. 'He's not breathing!'

I watched Isaac be wheeled away with burns on the side of his face. I was able to walk in electrifying water twice without being shocked once. On top of it all, Stiles is missing again. I jump down to the floor and storm to the bathroom. I lean against the sink and look at my reflection in the mirror. I see the bandaged man appear behind me.

He paces back and forth with an evil smirk. "Everyone has it but no one can lose it. What is it?"

I start to cry but with anger. "I told you I don't know."

"Everyone has it but no one can lose it. What is it, Scarlett?"

I squeeze my eyes shut and let out a sob. I look up in the mirror again and start to zone out. "A shadow." I crouch on the floor. "I answered your stupid riddle now leave me alone."

"I can't do that, Scarlett. You are the most important part to this game. I need you to get me everything I need."

I hear Scott knock on the door. "You okay, Scar?"

I open the door and try to look happy. "Never better."

After Scott visits Isaac, we get to school. I go to my locker to get my sweater when my werewolf hearing picks up the piercing tone of one of Chris' ultrasonic emitters. I see Scott and the twins leaving the locker room. "You hear it too?"

We follow the sound to the basement where we find Stiles. "Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, but its me, I swear to god its me."

The twins growl and charge for him. They bang him up against a locker. I grab Ethan and pull him back. He growls at me but I roar back, forcing him to submit. The same with Scott and Aiden. Me and Scott look at Stiles. "Guys, it's me. I swear it's me. I don't know where I've been for the past few days or what I've been doing. But it's me, I promise."

"Do you know what happened at the hospital?" Ethan asks.

"I know more than that."

Stiles walks over and picks up a blueprint. "You see this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see all those markings in red? That's my hand writing. I know I did this. I know I caused the accident."

"All the stuff in this bag was for something bigger."

Ethan picks up a hand saw. "What the hell have you been up to?"

"I think something worse, a lot worse."

We get down to where the Cross Country team was running. "McCall! Not clothes for running!"

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