Strange Frequencies

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"So, explain to me exactly what happened."

I'm surrounded by the sheriff, Scott, Stiles, my mom, Lydia and Liam. I got into an accident in my Jeep and the Dread Doctors got to me. I woke up in their lair and they explained everything to me. What they did to me the night I was bitten and the reason. Everything is so clear to me now. I am now going to help them make chimeras and make sure they are successful like me. I'm something great and important. This is what I was meant to do.

The only problem is I have my brother and friends standing in my way. The Dread Doctors told me that they are nothing but distractions and obstacles I can easily overcome. Now that I'm back home, I have to come up with some crazy story of how I'm alive and what happened during the two days I was missing. "Well, after crashing my Jeep, I could've sworn I was dead. Just like the first time I died, I saw someone and talked like it was my imagination."

"Who... Who did you see?" Stiles asks.

"Allison. I saw Aiden before. When I woke up, I was in some...cabin and I was out for a good day. After regaining my strength, I had to find any and every way to get here."

"Who put you in that cabin?" the sheriff asks.

"I don't know. When I woke up, no one was there and I couldn't catch a scent of anyone being there except me. No car was outside and no traces of one being there or pulling off. It was like I put myself there."

My mom wraps her arms around me. "I'm just glad you're back and safe."

I see Stiles, Liam and Lydia look at Scott for confirmation I'm telling the truth. "She's telling the truth," Scott whispers to them.

I hold my mom and keep an eye on him at the same time. He's the number one person I need to watch out for. He's the main one who can prevent me from completing my work. Late that night, I go after the new chimera, Hayden. Her car is stopped on the side of the road and the Dread Doctors are looking to take her to their lair. They want to make finalization on her to really put the experiment into effect. I watch her from in the shadows, waiting for the right moment. I growl and wolf out silently.

I keep my claws deep in the round and my fangs ready. As soon as I see the Dread Doctors approach, I start moving in. I see Hayden try to start her car and try getting out of it. We were so close until Liam saves her. I sigh and retreat. I don't wait to hear what the Dread Doctors have to say. I hurry home and sneak through the window.

Scott already thinks I'm sleeping. I can't risk being suspected. I throw myself in bed and cover myself with my blankets. I hear some commotion going on downstairs with Scott and Stiles. I hear Stiles trying to explain about a dead chimera he claims to have found dead on the hospital roof. I wipe sweat and dirt from my face before going down the stairs. "Hey, Scarlett. I thought Melissa gave you your meds," Stiles says.

"She did but they are not strong enough to keep me down." The actual truth is that I never swallowed my pills. My pills are more than strong enough to make me fall asleep and keep me there. "What's going? A new chimera?"

They all exchange worried looks. "How did you know?" Scott asks.

I tap my ears. "I heard your conversation."

"Uh..." Scott stutters.

I huff and cross my arms. Scott is, again, trying to keep things from me. "Scott, we agreed, to be honest with each. Either you tell me, or I touch Stiles' head to figure it out for myself."

Stiles backs up a little. We all go to the animal clinic to where Theo is with the body. "You two know him?" Theo asks.

I look at the boy's bloody face. I've seen him at school and the Dread Doctors told me about him. "Josh," Scott replies.

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