The Last Chimera

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I sit in the middle of the guest room bed, Isaac's former room. My wounds left by Theo have yet to heal and everything is still falling apart. Malia is still trying to find the desert wolf, Liam is mourning the loss of Hayden, Kira is still gone, Scott is watching our pack fall apart. That's not even the worst part. Stiles found his dad in the Dread Doctor's warehouse and he was badly injured. He's at the hospital as of a half hour ago.

My mom texted me told me he's in surgery. I can only sit here and wait. I usually have the answers but this is beyond my control. I am back to fighting by Scott's side but I can't help but know I am still bound to the Dread Doctors. I am their first success and they pretty much control me. I never know when they might want to use me again. Right when I'm about to lie down to sleep, my phone rings. It's Stiles. I'm a little surprised but I answer as fast as I can. "Stiles?"

I can hear him panting and sobbing at the same time. "Scarlett, can you come to the hospital?"

"Stiles, how's your dad?"


He's on the verge of a panic attack. I grab my jacket and hurry out. "Stay on the phone with me Stiles and listen to nothing but the sound of my voice. I'm coming, Stiles."

I don't even bother to get Scott. I just keep the phone by my ear and hop in my Jeep. I drive as fast as the light traffic will allow me. I am swerving and weaving between the cars. I make a sharp turn into the parking lot of the hospital and don't even bother to park properly. As I'm getting out, I tell Stiles, "I'm here, Stiles. I'm on my way in."

I run inside and see my mom at the front desk. My mom is surprised to see me. "Scarlett, what are you doing here?"

"Stiles called me. What's going on with his dad?"

"He's still in surgery. Stiles is upstairs in the waiting room."

I walk past her to the elevator. We exchange looks before the door close. On the way up, I zip up my jacket to hide the blood seeping through my shirt. As soon as the doors open, I see Stiles crying in the waiting room by himself. I run over and sit next to him. "Scarlett," he sobs.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me by my waist. He is shaking, tears pouring. All I can down is hold him in my arms and let him cry. His father is all the family he has left. He knew not to trust Theo but Scott and I did so anyway and here we are. "Stiles, it's gonna be okay."

He eventually falls asleep after waiting so long. I have his head on my lap, my hand on his shoulder while I lean my own head on my other hand. I can't think straight while this situation goes on. The sheriff was the father I never had growing up. He looked out for me and Scott as if we were his own. Even after he found out what we were, he never stopped. I can't afford to lose him, too. I can't lose

My mom eventually comes out and tells us that the sheriff is going to be okay. He made it through surgery okay. I walk with her and Stiles to see him. When we get to his room, I see the sheriff breathing heavily and raggedly through his oxygen mask. His skin looks dry and bruised. Dr. Geyer is standing there, writing on a clipboard. I snatch the clipboard from him and throw it to the ground. "What the hell is going on?" I ask.

Stiles is just as furious, maybe even more. "He's getting worse. He was fine and now it looks like someone hit him in the neck with a baseball bat."

"There's some minor internal bleeding," Dr. Geyer explains.

"When is internal bleeding ever internal?" I exclaim. I turn to my mom. "Mom, what's wrong with him?"

She sighs and admits, "We don't know."

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