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I wake up in the hospital bed. I see Derek at my side. I jump up. "What do you want?"

"Calm down. I came to make sure you're alright."

I yank my IV out my arm and get to my feet. I start to put on my shoes. "I'm tired of waking up in a hospital bed after I black out. I feel helpless and I defiantly don't need to see you when I open my eyes. Where's Scott?"

Derek stands with a sigh. "He's home. You were out for a day. He said he needs to talk to you. For now, I need to talk to you."

I head for the door. "Derek, I have nothing to say to you."

He slams the door. I growl. "I do. I want to apologize and talk to you about Kate."

"I don't want your apology."

"Can you stop being so bitter for one damn second?"

"Can you stop living for one damn lifetime?"

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Kate took away your strength. I'm doing my best to find out what, how and why."

I shake my head. "I ended it with you just for that. Kate would have never came after me if I never loved you. I would be safe and my brother would be safe."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Leave me alone! It's very simple."

"What Kate did doesn't explain what I did wrong."

"You screwed up, Derek, again! You put my life on the line, again! You made me turn my back on my brother and everyone I love, again!"

"I didn't ask you to stay. You stayed on your own."

"I stayed because I loved you! Anytime I left, I found myself knocking on your loft door again. When I said I hated you, I was back in your bed! People warned about the risks of being with you but I didn't listen because I made up this fantasy world where you were a good person. Now I know what kind of person you are. Just leave me alone."

When I get home, I hear my mom on the phone. "Yes, I understand. But, I'm a mother of twin teenagers and I can't exactly provide for them with spoiled food and no electricity."

I walk past her and she waves at me. I wave with a concerned look. She just shakes her head. I go upstairs and see Scott sitting on the edge of his bed. "Scott, what's wrong?"

"Mom is having some financial issues. She hasn't been able to pay the light bill."

I sit on the edge of my bed. "Is it because of me?" I knew my medical bills were piling up. Scott shakes his head. He puts his head down. I see a bag of money under his bed. "Scott, where did you get that?"

"I didn't steal it. It was the money paid to the assassins. I'm debating what to do with it."

Scott goes to school but Stiles and Lydia pick me up before I could get on my motorcycle. "Why are you guys here?"

"We're here for you," Stiles replies.

"Parrish was on the dead pool and we're gonna go talk to him at the station," Lydia explains.

I sit on my motorcycle and grab my helmet. "Good luck. Just text me what progress you make."

Stiles places a hand on my wrist. I look up into his warm brown eyes. "We're here to take you with us."


"We don't want you at school...wolfing out."

"I can't, even if I tried. Why would I... Is this about me and Derek breaking up? Stiles, I'm fine. I ju-"

My Love for Derek Hale *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now