4K+ Views?!

856 36 3

Wait, 4K+ views?! I can't believe it! My story has reach until thousands views. That's quite amazing. I am really thankful. Without you guys, my story will be never ends. I'm realky happy right now. Hope you're too. I wanna thank all the people who read and vote my stories especially,

A_I_N_A, bbaekbbomi, eunji_23 (the first person to read my story. Thanx), FadiaXD, ainulhelmey, ByunBaekkie_04, dyyahmzh, Farra27, jiayeechen, kimchohee1206, panda_apinkpcr rizzanagi1, SPCover, suholaykai_

*and others too.*

Thank you very very much for voting and reading. I really appreciate that. When I found out that my story has reach that many, my tears rolled down. I'm so touched!!! I'm serious. Not joking. So.... Keep reading and voting, kay? I luv you all and stay happy and healthy everyday.



P/S: Did you guys already heard Apink's new songs? It's called 'Remember '. It's really a beautiful song. If you wanna hear it, go to the media! ;-)

Our Happiness [Exopink Surong] [STOPPED/MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now