Chapter 7.5

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Part 5 of 7

Nidhi was packed and ready to go.  She would miss Arii very much and she wasn’t looking forward to the silent journey ahead.  Ruh didn’t talk to her and it was no fun talking to someone who didn’t talk back.  Ruh took her bags and left the room.  Nidhi was alone and wondered how her life would be from here on without Arii in it.  Nidhi knew that she didn’t know Arii very long but ten days with Arii as a friend was like ten years. 

Arii had forgiven her for going into the woods and that made Nidhi feel a little better.  She had also apologised to the rest of the village for spoiling their day of Peace.  Nidhi didn’t expect to be showered with gifts from the villagers and their children but she had accepted it all. 

Nidhi once again stood in front of the mirror.  She had known more love and friendship since she left home than she had ever felt with her mother, father and brothers.  She missed them but she also knew that she was where she belonged and soon she would be at a school where she could live her life like she had always wanted to. 

“Remember Nidhi that you are special and loved and that beautiful girl in the mirror is you.  You are not just another girl and the gods have plans for you.  You have a destiny and soon you will find everything you are looking for.”  Arii said and it reminded Nidhi of the day she met Arii.

Nidhi looked at the beautiful girl in the mirror and smiled.  “Yes I am this girl in the mirror.  I like the girl in the mirror.  Thank you Arii for making me see.  I have learned confidence and self love.  You have taught me so much.”  Nidhi walked to Arii and hugged her. 

Arii hugged her back and they stood there while minutes ticked away.  Nidhi felt like she had a true friend for the first time in her life.  “I will miss you so much Arii.” 

“I will miss you too.  You be good and don’t run away from Ruh.  He might be old but he is also wise.  Don’t underestimate him; he will not be so lenient with you.  You will be staying over at a home a few hours away tonight and you will spend a night in a village the night after that.  Then it would be the school, your final destination, the night after that.”

“Will I find people who will talk to me at my next two stops?”  Nidhi asked.

“Maybe not tomorrow but definitely in the last village, the village is the last stop for all the new students and they are all waiting until all the students are there before all of you travel to the school together.”  Arii said and Nidhi couldn’t help but feel nervous. 

“I will do my best and be good.  I won’t disappoint you or give my family more reasons to hate me.  Thank you Arii for these last ten days, you are a good friend and protector.  I will make you proud of me.”  Nidhi was excited about the news of the other students.

“I am proud of you.  You have already made so much progress.  Your family doesn’t hate you and they don’t think that you are a disappointment.  It is just that they know more about this than you.  Don’t hate them okay.” 

“Okay.  Thanks again.  I should probably go before Ruh leave without me.”  Nidhi said and followed Arii out of the house.  Once outside Nidhi ran to the fountain and for a moment stared at the Indian princess and the tiger cub in her arms.  “I miss you tiger and I hope to see you again soon.”  Nidhi closed her eyes and in her mind she saw the tiger and then she saw the handsome young stranger and Nidhi’s heart was torn at the thought that she might be in love with both.

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