Chapter 11.4

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Part 4 of 6

Nidhi settled easily into the new school and the unfamiliar surroundings.  She liked school, she always has.  To her the hours spend in school was the best time and Nidhi couldn’t get enough.  

Nidhi worked hard in every class and knew that her parents would be proud of her.  She didn’t want to disappoint them and that gave her the will to concentrate in class and give it her all.  She listened to the teachers and used her two hour study break to do her homework and to prepare for her next classes.

The day flew by and before she knew it, it was time for her outdoor exercises.  Nidhi rushed to her room to change into her workout clothes that the school provided.  It was comfortable to move in and looked fashionable.  Nidhi looked at herself in the mirror and with a smile on her face left her room. 

On her way to the training area Nidhi met up with a few other girls and the four of them chatted as they made their way to the rest of the students. 

Nidhi was surprised to see the boys in the clearing because all of their classes had been girls only.  Nidhi wasn’t looking forward to this because that meant Raj would be there too.  She saw him standing to the right of the clearing talking to one of the other boys. 

Nidhi sat down on the grass with the rest of the girls as they waited for their teacher to arrive.  She looked up at the afternoon sky and even though it was late afternoon, the summer air was still warm like any other day.  Nidhi could feel how everything around her started to calm down to prepare for sleep.  Birds left their nests for the last feeding of the day and ants carried the last of their findings of the day into hiding.

“Everyone, stand in a line next to each other and run in one place to warm up.  I don’t want to see one of you slacking.”  The teacher’s voice boomed out.  “I am your fitness teacher Mr.  Gupta.  I will not tolerate any one who doesn’t give their best.”  Mr. Gupta said as the students ran in one place. 

Nidhi listened to the teacher and when he started to run in one spot like they were doing Nidhi got excited.  This teacher might look like he is sixty, he wasn’t going to tell them what to do and sit and watch, no he was taking part in it.  Nidhi followed as he changed the moves from running in one place to jumping up and down.  Nidhi felt the adrenaline kick in and she liked moving like this.  Every time he changed to something new she followed with eagerness. 

Nidhi haven’t had so much fun in a while, well that was until they started kicking and punching into the air.  Nidhi never thought exercising would be this much fun and she did it with all the enthusiasm she possessed but her fun and good mood ended when the teacher divided them into pairs of two to do a little friendly fighting.

Nidhi was furious when he paired her with no one other than Raj and she lost it right there.  “Why do I have to fight a boy?”  Nidhi practically shouted at Mr. Gupta. 

“Why don’t you want to fight him, it cannot be because he is a boy?” 

“The other girls are fighting girls.”  Nidhi said pointing to the other girl and girl pairs.

“I paired you with him because you are both equal in technique and strength.  You should be happy about this Nidhi.  Out of all the girls here I had to pair one of you with a boy.  Raj is my strongest male fighter and you are my strongest female fighter and if I paired one of you with anyone else you could hurt them.”  Mr. Gupta said calmly hoping Nidhi would understand his situation.

Nidhi just turned away and took her place in front of Raj.  He didn’t look happy either.

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