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A loud banging wakes me up, causing me to roll over and groan.

"Everly Abbott, I know you're in there!" Harper's muffled voice sounds throughout my apartment.

I huff, throwing the covers back and hauling myself out of bed. I trudge to my front door, pulling it open.

"About time!" Harper pushes past me with two coffees in her hands.

"I was sleeping." I yawn, dropping myself face first down onto my couch.

"Still? That's all you've been doing for the past two days." She pokes my arm with the coffee cup. "Drink up."

"I don't like coffee remember?" I push her hand away.

"It's that s.hitty herbal tea you love. Now drink."

I begrudgingly lean up, taking the cup from her as she sits down in a chair.

"Why are you here again?" I ask, taking a big drink of my lukewarm tea.

"Because I know you're not really sick. You're horrible at the fake cough by the way. Eh eh!" She mimics me pathetically.

"I'm sick of life, does that count?"


"You never make anything easy do you?" I sigh, sitting up and resting my head back on a cushion.

"No, though I am pretty good at making things hard..."

"It's to early for your s.ex jokes." I wave her off as she giggles.

"It's two in the afternoon. Prime time for jokes of the dirtier nature. Now why have you locked yourself away in your apartment all weekend?"

"Ugh..." I groan, setting my cup down and running my hands through my hair. "Can't a girl just veg out for a few days?"

"A girl yes. You, no. Margo called me."

"What?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"She's worried about you."

"I'm fine."

"You didn't go to the fight yesterday. You never get sick Everly. Ever. She's afraid Carter's going to get suspicious."

"He believed me when I told him I wasn't well."

"Did he?"

"He sent his personal doctor over. With soup. So I'd say he did."

"If I didn't hate the guy so much I'd say that's sweet. And what was the doctors prognosis?"

"The flu."

"Hmmmm." Harper purses her lips at me. "Pretty hard to fake the flu."

"I do know how to rig a simple thermometer. It's not like he did a full body exam."

"Okay then mission impossible, tell me why you needed a few days off."

I sit forward, leaning my elbows on my knees and rubbing my temples. "Harry."

"He wore you out that much?" She grins at me.

"What? No! I didn't sleep with him!" I chuck a throw pillow at her as she laughs.

"Shame." Harper frowns, "So what about him then?"

"He just..." I sigh for what feels like the fiftieth time today. "He got to me."

"Got to you..."

"Got to me." I nod.

Harper's eyes widen slightly as she sits up. "F.uck me, you like him! You like really like him!"

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now