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My eyes dart up, glancing at the old clock hanging on the wall.

I can hear it ticking, it being the only sound filling the small room, but it seems time has stood still.

I've been sitting in here for ages, growing more restless every minute that I'm left alone. Sitting in an old wooden chair in Coach's small office, staring at my scuffed boots.

To say he wasn't keen on me nearly putting Decker in the hospital is an understatement. Add in the fact I'd went after Everly and never came back last night to 'face the consequences of my actions'.. I'm surprised he didn't pop me right in the nose the second I showed up today.

But he didn't. He didn't actually say one bloody word to me at all. Just pointed at his office, followed me to it, and closed the door behind me. Leaving me sat in here alone for well over an hour now.

With nothing to do but think.

Maybe that's what he wanted. Maybe he thought if I stopped and really thought about what I'd done, I realize what a right idiot I'd been.

But thinking about last night.. about his hands on her. Clutching at her body like it belonged to him. Making her cry out in pain, forcing himself on her... It only makes me want to have another go at beating the p.iss out of him.

Growing up, my mum always stressed the importance of having proper respect for women.

When I was young she trained me to always be polite. Opening up the door for them or offering help whenever I could.

When I'd become a teenager she'd made it very clear I wasn't ever to pressure them to do something they didn't want to. No means f.ucking no, there's no room for interpretation.

By the time I became a man I knew no other way. And I wouldn't tolerate anything different.

Sure, I wasn't one to settle down. Until just recently, I'd made quite a habit of taking different women to bed every chance I'd gotten. But I wasn't ashamed of it or myself.

I wasn't one to pretend to want a relationship just to f.uck someone and sneak out before morning. They knew what I was and wasn't up for before any clothes started coming off. I was always honest, I wasn't interested in getting involved with them for anything more then one night.

Most I'd found were good with that arrangement, being not many go to a club and get drunk looking to find their one true love. And those you weren't, I wished a lovely night and moved on.

It was as simple as that. And up until about seven weeks ago, I was more then content with what had become my usual routine.

Right up until my eyes landed on a beautiful long legged blonde sat across the room looking rather annoyed at life.

I'd went over to her with every intention of taking her home like the other women. Saying all the right things to make her laugh and blush and want me.

But I didn't get a proper chance to say anything before she'd shot me down. Reading me like a book before I'd even took a seat next to her.

It only took me about five minutes to learn Everly Abbott is nothing like other women. She was an entirely different sort.

She didn't talk about her hair or her clothes or the latest reality series on the Telly. None of that shite concerned her one bit.

The conversations I had with her were of a different nature altogether. The things she talked about had substance. They mattered.

I found myself thinking of her at the oddest times. While pulling on my gloves at the gym.. walking down 3rd Avenue.. lying in bed falling asleep.

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