You're Famous and He's Not *tumblr*

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"Oh my god, Michael, she's so fucking hot," Calum says to Michael while staring at you from across the street. "Calum, just go say hi to her. You talk to her posters on your wall so it can't be that hard to talk to her in real life," Michael says, teasing Cal. "Shut up," Cal says, hitting his arm. "Just go," Mike pushes him towards you. "Y/N!" Michael yells and pushes Calum in front of you. "Hi, Y/N. I'm Calum, or Cal. I'm a huge fan of your music and you and I think you're really cool and I'm so excited for the new album and yeah," he says, nervously. "Thanks, Cal! It really means a lot," you smile at him. "And he thinks you're hot," Michael yells from behind Calum. You giggle a little. "You're pretty hot too, Calum," you say with a smile. "Shit, really? Wow, um thank you. Wow," Calum replies. "Go Calum! Get some!" Michael yells. He blushes and you giggle again. "Calum do you have Twitter? I'd love to talk to you more," you smile. "Shit, really? Yeah wow okay," he says and gives you his Twitter username. "Followed," you tell him as he gets the notification on his phone. "Oh my God, thanks," "Are you coming to the show tonight?" You ask him. "No I can't. They sold out before I could get them," he tells you, sadly. "Here, I have a couple backstage passess. Why don't you and your friend come watch?" you ask him and hand him two backstage passes and two front row tickets. "Really? WOw oh my gosh, thank you so fucking much. We'll be there," he smiles. "See you tonight," you smile and walk towards your car.


You were on your two week break inbetween tour dates and you decided to reside in Australia because your following concert was there. Durig the break, you decided to visit a small cafe where you heard live muusic playing. You walk into the cafe and take a seat in the little chair in the back and watch whoever was playing here tonight. On stage was a boy holding an accoustic guitar and sitting on a stool while singing into the microphone in front of him. You watched him play with a smile on your face becuase he was actually quite good. His eyes land on you while he's singing and his smile seems to grow and you catch him glancing at you through the rest of his set. "I'm Ashton Irwin, thank you for coming," he smiles as the crowd, including you, claps. You notice a few people leaving once he's finished and you walk up to him. "That was really good. Ashton, right?" You ask him. "Oh my God, thank you. I love your music," he tells you. "Awe thank you," you smile at him. "I'm coming to your concert in a couple weeks. I'm super excited. I mean, my friends have been making fun of me because I've been talking about it since I bought my tickets," he tells you with a smile. "Aw thanks, Ashton. I would definetly pay to see you perform. You were great," you say. "Oh shit really? Thank you," he says. "Maybe we could do a song together sometime. Do you have a Twitter? I'd love to keep contact with you," you tell him. "Yeah!" he replies and happily tells you his username. You follow him and promise to dm him. "It's getting late and I've gotta go back to my hotel, but it was amazing meeting you," you smile. "Thank you so much. Hope to see you soon," he smiles.


You have been a famous singer for a few months now, since your career really took off. Before your big show tonight in Los Angeles, you decide to go to a Starbucks. You walk in and order a simple coffee frappuchino and stand over by the counter, waiting for your drink. No fans have noticed you yet, due to the oversized hoodie you were wearing to cover your face. You take a look outside the window to be inturrupted by a tall boy spilling his coffe all over your favorite black vans. You look up. "Oh shit sorry," he says. "No it's completely fine. Would you like me to buy you a new drink?" You ask him. "No it's okay," he says and his eyes meet yours. "Wait! You're Y/N Y/L/N. I love your music. Sorry I'm such a fucking clutz. I should've been more careful. Do you think I could get a picture?" He asks, frantically. "Yeah, sure!" you reply, smiling into the camera as he takes a picture of the two of you. "What's your name?" You ask him. "I'm Michael," he smiles. "You're really cool, Michael. And I love your Blink-182 shirt. Do you have a Twitter? I'd love to follow you," you tell him. "Yeah," he says and pulls out a pen to write his username on a napkin. "Thank you so much. You music really inspires me and you're really hot. Oh fuck, I shouldn't have said that," he says quickly. "You're pretty hot too, Michael. I'll be sure to follow you and dm you soon," you smile at him as his cheeks tint red. "Thank you," he smiles and you hug him before grabbing your drink and walking away.


Ever since your band became famous, you could't really go many places without being surrounded by fans, which was fine with you because you loved your fans, but it could be very overwhelming. You play the guitar and sing in your band. You decided it would be a nice day to go for a walk because it was slightly windy out in the city you were performing in, and the leaves were just starting to change because it was autumn. You grabbed a hoodie and used it to cover your face as you walked out of your tour bus. You smiled while walking, admiring some of the little cafes as some leaves fell from the trees above. You stopped for a second when you noticed less people were around and you pulled your hood down to take in the view of the city. "Hi, erm, are you Y/n?" You hear a male, australian voice ask. You look up to see two bright blue eyes looking into yours. "Yeah, that's me," you say with a smile. "I'm Luke. I listen to your music like every day," he smiles. "Aw thank you. That's really sweet. Do you want to take a picture?" You ask him. "Yeah!" he exclaims and the two of you pull out your phones. "Wait, you want a picture of us on YOUR phone?" he asks. "Yeah, I love meeting nice fans. I like to keep a picture of me with the sweetest fans I talk to," you smile as he blushes. You both take pictures on your phones and giggle at a couple silly ones. "I have to go back to set up for tonight. You're coming, right?" You ask. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," he smiles. "Can I have your Twitter so we can dm?" you ask him. "Yeah," he smiles and tells you his username and you follow him. "See you tonight," you smile, receiving a smile in return.

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