cuddling *tumblr*

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Babe, come here please." You heard the familiar voice whine from your shared bedroom. You sighed, not being able to watch over the pasta you were now making him.

"Yes Cal?" You answered, your eyebrows raised. He was in bundles of blankets, sweat trickling down his forehead, he was pale except for his nose. He had one of the worst colds you have ever seen.

He reached his hand out of the thousands of blankets he was wrapped in to reach his arms and hands out, grasping the air like a baby would to get picked up. "Cuddle please. I miss cuddling you."

"I don't want to get sick Cal, c'mon." You whined back. He gave you irresistible puppy dog eyes and little pout. You groaned.

"Once I'm done making you your dinner and you finish it, I will." You gave in. You saw him and smiled.

Later the pasta was done and he ate all of it as quickly as possible just to get a cuddle from you. You wanted to comfort him as much as you could. You could tell he was tired so you sat a little more up, your back resting on the bed frame as Calum laid his heads practically on your boobs, his arms wrapped around your waist. After a few minutes of your finger running through his hair, you heard soft snores coming from his mouth and knew you weren't getting out of his grip for a while.


You were sat in your shared small apartment, watching Sinister with the rest of the boys. Ashton had seen this movie and suggested it, saying it was really good. You sadly agreed. You liked scary movies sometimes, but you heard this was life changing. Ashton sat on the recliner chair, leaning back. Calum and Luke sat next to each other on the other couch, clinging to each other at some points, because they were big scaredy cats, but so were you. You constantly clinged to Michael whenever something scary happened or a pop up came. He would slightly laugh or just jump with you. At the end, the killer popped up on the screen, with a loud scream. You also let out a loud scream, clinging to Michael as hard as you could, burying your face into his chest, He wrapped his arm around you and had another one around the back of your legs, carrying you bridal style to your shared room. He placed you gently on the bed and climbed in with you.

"That movie was so scary, I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight." You said quietly.

"Don't worry hun, I'll be right here the whole night." Michael responded, as he pulled you into his side, and you fell asleep right than and there.


You woke up from your sleep. Ash wasn't right next to you like he usually was, all you saw was a note,

Went out to get a few things from the market. I want to spend the whole day with you just relaxing. Love you lots xx

- ash xx

You smiled softly, your eyes slightly open. You got up and stretched, walking to the bathroom. A few moments later you groaned as you found out you had just started your period. You frowned slightly and went to get a pad and put it on, luckily you didn't bleed through anything in the night. You got yourself all covered and walked out of the bathroom, walking to your couch in the living room, scrolling through tumblr. Suddenly, a huge sharp pain sprung through your abdomen, making you whimper along with it. You hunched over, holding your stomach in pain.

"(Y/N)! I'm home!" Ashton's voice sprung through the house. "Babe what happened? Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?" His questions sprung at you quickly. You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes as the cramps went to the extreme this month already.

"Cramps." You said softly.

"Aw, baby. Come here." Ashton said picking you up bridal style and taking your place on the couch as you laid on top of him, cuddling into his torso.

"Can I try something?" He asked. You nodded, knowing anything he could do to help, wouldn't be that bad. He took his large hand and laid it on your lower stomach, rubbing small hard circles as you winced. You started to calm down a bit as the pain started to die down. But as long as the pain was still there, his large hand stayed put on your stomach.

You placed your hand on top of his, to show you appreciation in some sort of way. You just cuddled until the pain stopped.

"It looks like I'm pregnant with my bloated stomach." You said laughing slightly. The sight was yours and his hand on top of your stomach.

He giggled along, nodding. "I guess it kind of does." He rubbed his thumb back and forth on your stomach, you both cuddling for another hour.


You groaned as the door of your house wouldn't open. Today wasn't the best day for you. You had been yelled at by your boss and the customers you served. Food had been thrown at you by several kids that were misbehaving in the restaurant, you had to wait for your car to start up, because the battery died so another employee offered to jump start it, and now the door wouldn't open. As you groaned frustratingly, it started to rain.

"You're fucking kidding me right?" You yelled at the sky. You were soaked instantly as it started to down pour, you immediately started to cry with anger and frustration. You were about to knock on the door, hoping Luke was home until the door opened before you even laid your fist on it. Luke saw your state and immediately pulled you in, embracing you in a hug as you cried into his chest.

"Today is the worst day ever." You said, tears still spilling out of your eyes as you clung to Luke tighter, hoping he would make all the bad things go away. Luke picked you up bridal style as he carried you two to your bedroom. He set you down and he kept you close to hi the whole time. You wrapped your arms around his torso as he listened to you rant and cry about what happened today. He comforted you through the whole thing. He played with your hair and agreed with whatever you said, hoping to make you feel better. You just let out an annoyed groan and just laid in silence, as your head rest on his chest.

"Well that day is over because you don't have to go to work tomorrow and I'm going to ask the boys to come over so we can all cheer you up tomorrow. Okay?" He said sympathetically. You smiled slightly, nodding in the process. You both stayed in that position until about fifteen minutes later, Luke offered to get ice cream, which of course you didn't not reject.


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