You Catch him doing Something Embarrassing (cashton) *tumblr*

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You were bored, wandering aimlessly through your house as you randomly wiped down surfaces with a dust rag. You had your headphones plugged in, listening to some new playlist Ashton had made you the other day, humming along and mouthing the words to the songs. As you straightened up from cleaning the corner table in the foyer yet again, your earbuds caught on the corner and were pulled out. Suddenly, your ears were filled with a horrible banging noise. Honestly, you knew the boys said they were going to tinker around in the basement with some new beats, but you didn't expect it to be that bad. You turned and opened the door to the basement, clunking down the deep stairs to the musty underground man cave the boys hung in whenever they came over. You rounded the corner and almost skipped the last step at the sight.

"Ashton Irwin! What on earth are you doing?!" You exclaimed, your brow furrowed in what seemed to be a mix of skepticism and disbelief. Ashton was sitting at his old drum kit, leaning back against Luke, trying to drum with his drum sticks between his toes. He looked up with shock, and Luke backed up with his arms up in surrender, letting Ashton fall behind the kit. You looked at the other boys, hands on your hips.

"Who's ridiculous idea was this?" You demanded, looking at each of the boys in turn. Michael was trying to not make eye contact, Calum had whipped out his phone, and Luke was studying the floor while gnawing on his lip ring.

Ashton finally managed to get up, brushing hair from his eyes. "Luke dared me!" He exclaimed. "I told him it was a stupid idea."

"Well technically Michael suggested we play truth or dare," Luke defended, nodding in Michael's direction.

"Oh no, it was you who pressured him to choose dare," Michael countered.

Just as it started to get crazy, Calum spoke up. "Guys this video is hilarious, and I'm putting it on our keek."

All the boys gathered around to watch, falling back with laughter when your booming voice came over the speakers and the crash of drums signified Ashton's tumble. You sighed and turned to go upstairs.

"You guys are absolutely nuts," you smiled. The boys ran over and smushed you in a hug. "But you love us!" They chanted, Michael giving you a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Hey!" Ashton interjected, "You aren't allowed to do that! Only I am allowed to kiss her because she's my girlfriend!"

You laughed and retreated up the stairs. "I'm ordering pizza for later, just so you guys know." You weren't even sure if the boys heard you over the chants and yells coming from below you on the stairs. Rolling your eyes, you muttered under your breath, "They sure are idiots."


You had just gotten a new puppy two days ago, upon Calum's constant bickering. You'd found a gorgeous puppy at your local shelter. He was dark, glossy brown, with huge brown eyes that redefined the term "puppy eyes" altogether. Ever since you had gotten him, Calum had been playing with him, holding him, and trying to teach him tricks. When you left to go pick up your pizza, he had been trying to teach him to sit with doggie treats, mostly caving and giving him one after several tries. After some traffic and a stop for some Starbucks, you finally got home before it was beginning to get dark. Upon entering the house, it was oddly quiet for Calum and his new friend. You left the pizza on the counter and looked out the kitchen window into the fenced-in backyard. Snorting you tea, you stepped outside to watch the sight before you.

The puppy was sitting perfectly still, head cocked to the side, while watching Calum with great curiosity. Meanwhile Calum was on his hands and knees, his butt up in the air wiggling back and worth with a stick between his teeth. You leaned against the door-frame, watching the show.

"Come on little guy, just go find the stick, and bring it back! It's that easy! Do it for daddy! 1, 2, 3, go!" Calum tossed the stick a few feet away, looking at the puppy expectantly. Needless to say, the puppy didn't move. Frustrated, Calum fell forward, chin in the grass, eye level with the little puppy, groaning.

"Awe Calum, are you tired of Mocha already?" You teased. He shot up and brushed off his stained knees.

"Um, how long have you been there?" He asked, sticking his chin up defensively, hands shoved in his pockets.

"Oh, just long enough to see the lovely demonstration of fetch," you smirked. He ran his hands through his hair and groaned. "Oh relax babe, it was cute." You walked over and wrapped your arms around his waist. He took his hands out of his hair and cupped your face with them.

"Dang, I love you, you know?"

"Yeah, I do," you smiled.

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