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You knew this day was coming. You did. So you spent the month before packing and sitting on your window seat looking out the window, sad.

You never wanted it. You never wanted the lavish parties, the huge sweeping ballgowns, your family being royal-type, etc.

You were going to be married to the prince! The sovereign to your country! And it was all your mother's fault. You even remember the day she told you:

The six-year-old you waited for your mother in the parlor, swinging your feet because you couldn't reach the floor yet. You heard the faint clicking of your mother's shoes on the marble floor, approaching you.

"Y/N, my love, your father and I talked to my friend, Michael's mother– you remember Michael?"

"Yes, Mama," you said, remembering a few weeks ago when Michael came and made fun of your doll.

"Well we thought you might be happy together."

"What do you mean?"

"We wish for you two to marry when you're both older."

You shook off the memory, forcing yourself trying to think of another memory of Michael:

You were merely eleven years old when Michael came and visited you again. You sat on the love seat reading when a knock came upon the library door. Michael walked in and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Lady Y/N," he sneered.

"Prince Michael," You rolled your eyes.

"You look disgusting,"

You furrowed your eyebrows in frustration desperately trying to think of a game-changing memory of your fiancée.

"Stop being so boring..." seventeen year old Michael groaned to a fifteen year old you in the library. You were only reading a book when he came in and disturbed your peace.

"Well if I'm so boring, then you can leave; I don't want to spend time with you anyway." You stuck your nose back in your book, but soon after, it was ripped from your hands, flying across the room.

"Let's do something fun, Y/N!" Michael was sitting on the love seat next to you.


"Yes," he argued getting closer to your face.





"N-" He cut you off with a quick kiss and sprinted out of the room. Anger surged in your body, swirling with angry reds.

"Prince Michael!" you screamed, getting up to chase him down the halls of your home. He eventually ran outside the front doors. You ran through the threshold and saw your family and the queen and king before you.

"Your Majesties," you curtsied.

The queen shoved Michael towards you, Michael rolled his eyes towards her and walked up to you and grabbed your hand. He kissed it and got down on his knee. Like, you saw it coming at one point, or it was always gonna be implied.

"Will you marry me?" he fake gagged afterwards.

"Yes," he stood and pulled the ring out of his pocket and slid it on your hand.

"So now you say yes?" he smirked.

You blushed thinking of the memory. The day of your engagement was a rush, you were surrounded in fabrics and garments and congratulatory comments, filled with jealousy or not.

That was three years ago. Now you await in your new room, that you share with Michael. You were waiting for the tailor with your dress, the hairdresser, your mother, and the queen.

The next hour was a blur, you don't remember getting to the chapel either. You stood there, emotionless, waiting for someone to announce that you didn't have to marry Michael. It never came.

The next thing you know, Michael's lips are on yours once more, whispering an "I love you" that you don't even process.

"Y/N, let's go home," Michael whispered in your ear.

You obliged to him and followed him to the room you were in earlier. Michael had someone put on your nightgown and put him in in his. When the people left, Michael ran to you and placed his lips on yours. He started to feverishly kiss you.

Frankly, you didn't know what to do, so when he asked why you weren't kissing him back, you just kissed him on the cheek, obviously disappointing him.

"I'm tired, Your Majesty, I wish to sleep." you said to him quietly.

"Of course, my love," he said, giving a hint of a smile.

That night, he held you in your sleep.

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