fools part 2 (luke)

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everyone with tumblr should follow because she writes amazing imagines k read on.

"Come on Y/N it is not that big of a deal," Luke groaned as he followed hot on your heels. Simply scoffing at him, you reached for the door handle of the restaurant. Luke's hand slid around your waist and tugged you back towards him, letting the door slam shut behind everyone else as they stepped inside, leaving you and Luke outside in the cold.

You were positive Luke could feel your heart nearly beating out of your chest as you stood pressed up against him. Searching his eyes for some sort of emotion, all you could find was his baby blues clouded over with concern.

"Listen, I know that you don't want to do this, but neither do I-" Luke stared down at you, his eyes flitting over your face as he spoke.

"You think that's supposed to make me feel better?" You cut him off with an empty laugh. Your hand was gripping the arm of his that was wrapped around your waist, in attempt to push him away from you. Luke groaned, annoyance taking over his emotions, as he stepped away from you. Straightening out your jacket you narrowed your eyes at him.

"I just don't understand why you hate me so much," Luke all but shouted, running his fingers through his hair, making it stick up.

Under any other circumstances you would have laughed at his appearance, but now you just bit your tongue and focused on the situation at hand.

"Don't play that dumb game with me, Luke. You know damn well why I hate you and if you really don't have a clue then you're just an idiot, even more the reason why I don't want to date you even if it's just pretend," you pressed your finger against his chest, making him stumble backwards slightly.

Yanking the door open, Luke was left standing out there on the sidewalk alone, running his fingers through his hair. The fact that he couldn't even understand why you were mad at him only further solidified your reasons as to why you didn't want to put up with this publicity stunt.

Just a few minutes after you slid into the booth next to Calum, Luke came around the corner with frustration and anger set in his usually angelic features. He barely gave you so much as a glance before taking the last empty seat beside you. Your father was engaged in mindless small talk with the other 'adults' at the table, while you and the boys sat in utter silence. Nobody quite knew how to treat the situation at hand and the obvious tension between you and Luke was unmistakable.

"You kids are awful quiet today," your father laughed. Michael and Ashton exchanged a knowing look while Calum just stared at his menu intently. Luke made some sort of noise between a laugh and a cough, but you just took a sip of your water. Luke straightened up suddenly, flipping his menu closed and reached for his water.

"What are you getting? Pancakes with a side order of apologies?" You asked Luke innocently, causing Calum to nearly choke on his water. Michael stifled a laugh, attempting to cover it up with a cough, earning a scolding look from Luke.

Your father and his entourage sat unaware, either engrossed in their phones or some conversation about business. Luke opened his mouth to respond, but a waiter appeared at the table, asking if anyone wanted anything to drink.

"I'll just have coffee please," you smiled up at him politely.

"Make sure it's very hot, to warm up her cold, frigid heart," Luke smirked over at you. The waiter furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head slightly but he didn't ask, instead moved on to the other end of the table.

Pursing your lips together, you turned your head away from Luke.

"Asshole," you muttered under your breath.

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