Baby Bump *tumblr* lashton

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A/N read my book tthe rant diary if you want to laugh at my pain,

Luke: He liked to sing to the baby

Luke was gone on another tour again. You were already 6 months pregnant, but he promised he would be back in time for the birth. It still made you nervous despite his promises.

It was the middle of the night and the baby was not letting you sleep. It was times like this when you really missed Luke. He seemed to be the only one who could calm down your little girl.

When the baby would kick or make you feel sick all he had do is sing and she woul instantly calm down. It was very obvious that she was going to be daddy’s Little Princess. The thought of Luke being wrapped around her little finger made you smile.

With a sigh, you kicked the covers off. You went to the nursery in hopes that she would eventually calm down. As you walked in, you noticed a wrapped box sitting on the dresser. No one had been in here since Luke left for tour so you were a bit confused. You walked towards the box, noticing one of those oversized labels attached to the side.

For when she gets a bit rowdy ~Luke

Pulling the top, of you smiled once you saw what the gift was. Inside was a pair of big headphones, a CD player, and a CD labeled: Princess Alice.

Tears welled up in your eyes. Luke had made a mix for the baby. No doubt it was filled with songs he sang. You sat down in the rocking chair, placed the headphones on your belly, and pressed play.

"Hey Princess!" Luke’s voice said over the recording.

More tears fell down when you heard the voice you wanted so desperately to hear.

"I hope you’re not giving mommy too hard of a time. I just want to say I love you very much and I’ll see you soon."

Luke’s voice cut off and then a song started playing. The first song was Firefly by Ed Sheeran. One of your favorites! Once the song was over it went to another favorite of yours For My Father by Go Radio. There were songs by Ben Howard, Front Porch Step, and even Mayday Parade. It felt like a playlist of all your favorite acoustic songs being covered by Luke.

You were getting sleepy by just listening to him sing. The baby had stopped kicking and had finally left you at peace. Your eyelids were dropping and you had little energy to walk back to bed. You were so tired you almost missed Luke talking again.

"This last one is for you baby."

Right on cue To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra played through the headphones. It was your absolute favorite and hearing Luke sing it made your heart swell.

Slowly, you fell into a deep sleep and for the first time in days, you slept great.

Ashton: He liked to take pictures

"Babe!" Ashton called out.

"Bedroom!" You yelled.

You out down your book in time to see Ashton poke his head through the door. He had a smile that made your heart melt. One thing you absolutely hoped was that the baby looked like him. Whether it was a girl or a boy, if it looked like him, it would be the most beautiful baby in the world.

Ashton walked over and laid his head on your lap. He looked up at you with those beautiful forest eyes. You never knew the color for sure. They were either hazel or green so you just called them the color of the forest.

"How can I help you my love?" You asked.

He gave you a sheepish smile and held up his phone. “Picture?”

One thing Ashton loved doing was taking pictures. You would joke that he should learn to be a photographer if he music career were to ever fail. He would just laugh it off and continue to take pictures. One of his favorite subjects was your pregnant belly.

He said that he was documenting the pregnancy, but you knew he was doing it so he could show everyone on Twitter. Every week he would take a picture of you and post it so the whole world could see Bump. It made you feel a little self-conscious, but you complied. You would do anything to make that big dork of yours happy.

"Do I have to Ash?" You sighed.

"Please babe. Everyone loves seeing Bump. I get ten tweets a day about it!"

You sighed again before leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead. “You are so extremely lucky that I happen to be madly in love with you.”

With a wide grin, Ashton sprung from your lap, pulling you along as well. You stood with your side facing him so he could get a good shot and pulled up your shirt to reveal your pregnant belly.

You heard the snap of his phone a couple times until he eventually put the phone down. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Thank you babe." He said before kissing your head and leaving to post the photo.

You shake your head with a small laugh and go back to your book. Not even five minutes later you received a notification from twitter.

@Ashton5sos: I am so lucky that @y/t/n loves me!

The picture was in the tweet as well. There were already hundreds of replies from fans saying how happy they were for the two of you and how beautiful you looked. It made you smile.

@y/t/n: @Ashton5sos you are such a dork

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