Girlfriend Drama (all)

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a/n:heyyyy im going to try and update more for you people!!!


written by: on tumblr

Luke: Your best friend had been gone for two months now. You had talked, texted, skyped and facetimed to keep in touch and so far it was working. You and Luke(and the other three boys because let’s face it they’re sort of a packaged deal) had remained friends.

It wasn’t until recently that Luke had become distant, not texting you a lot, missing facetimes, ignoring your calls, and you had just found out why by way of Ashton. Luke had a girlfriend. You had to admit, it pained you to hear that, the news sending a little jolt through your heart like you had just been shocked, but you dealt with it. You didn’t know who she was after all, what if she was a really nice person?

But the truth came out one night in a phone call with Ashton. The two of you had been friends ever since you met 5 Seconds of Summer and Ashton had made a strong effort to keep up with your life while he was away. When he called, the two of you chatted for a while, talking about tour and your life until Ashton heaved a sigh.

"Hey (Y/N)?" he asked.

"Hey Ashton?" you replied, leaning back on your bed with the phone to your ear.

"Can I tell you something and you’ll promise that you won’t tell anybody?" You smiled hesitantly.

"Sure Ash,"

"I’m serious (Y/N), not a soul. Especially not Luke," you were uncertain now but you nodded anyway.

"Go ahead," you prompted.

"I HATE Luke’s girlfriend," Ashton spat out.

"What? Luke was just talking to me the other day about how everyone really seemed to like her," you said, extremely shocked that Ashton had said that. "Besides, you’re the nicest guy ever you don’t hate people,"

"Well I hate her! She’s terrible for Luke! And evil and mean and so goddamn annoying and I know I’m not the only one thinking it,"

"What’s so bad about her?" you questioned, incredibly confused. From what Luke had said, she seemed perfect for him.

"She’s awful! Luke can’t see it because he needs a distraction but she’s just dating him so she can be famous," Ashton started before heaving a sigh and you could picture him running his hands through his explosively curly hair.

"What does Luke need a distraction from?" you questioned, having caught on to Ashton’s words. He didn’t respond for a moment.

"Look you need to come down here,"

"Me? Why?"

"You know why,"

"Um, no I don’t know why Ash, elaborate," you insisted.

"I know how you feel about him. And he feels the same way," Ashton said and it was like your heart had suddenly found a new home in your stomach.

"Ash what are you talking about? Luke doesn’t care about me like that," you mumbled, your voice getting quieter.

"Yes he does. He told me he does. He raves on and on about you constantly,"

"Ash, I promise you. He doesn’t think of me that way. I’m his best friend, I’m not anything else," you repeated, trying to reassure yourself as much as Ashton.

"(Y/N) get your head out of your ass," Ashton chuckled, his voice soft. "He loves you, I know he does. And you love him. And you’re the only one who can convince him that this girl is wrong for him. So please. Next flight out here, get on it," he begged and you swallowed a little, a moment of silence filling the line.

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