How They React to Your Short Hair 4/4 Preference *tumblr*

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"For the last time, Luke. Stop touching my hair. I know it's short but godamn you have to stop."

He giggled and let his fingers run through my hair one last time. "Where is the rest of it though? Did you donate it?"

I shook my head. "No. It wasn't long enough."

"They can make a short wig out of it, right?" he asked.

"I don't think so babe." I said, taking my attention back to the movie we were watching. I came home today with a pixie cut and Luke cannot stop touching and staring. It was beginning to get annoying. Like what he's doing again. "Luke, for the love of God, Stop staring. Actually you never told me how I look with short hair."

He rolled his eyes and smiled. "You always look perfect with any kind of hairstyle to be honest, Y/N. But I have to know what they did to the rest of your hair. I'm curious."


I was preparing our dinner that night. There was soft music playing in the background and the place was peaceful. Almost romantic even. Just the way I like it. When suddenly I felt strong arms around my waist and warm lips on the back of my neck.

"Did I ever tell you I love how short your hair is?" Calum mumbled at the crook of my shoulders, which send tingles all over my body.

I smiled and kept preparing our dinner, "Oh? Why is that?"

He made me put down my kitchen utensil and spun me around to face him. "It gives me free access to your neck. Which I can kiss." And he did. "I can nuzzle." Which he did. "And I can bite." He did and it was so sexy, I almost moaned.

Calum then decided to back away from me with a devious grin.

"You cheeky bastard." I said. All ideas of cooking dinner was gone as I followed him into our bedroom. I'm so glad I cut my hair.


"Where are the instructions?" Suddenly, Michael grabbed the paper in my hand and crumpled it up.

"We don't need instructions. Just put it on and wait." he said.

I stared at my refelction in our bathroom mirror. "I can't believe I'm trusting you with dyeing my hair after I just decided to cut it."

"Hey, you looked awesome, Y/N. But dyeing it purple would make it more punk rock." he explained. "We'll be the coolest couple ever. Even Alex Gaskart would be jealous of how punk rock we are."

And it was true. My short and cute pixie cut instantly became edgier when it was dyed. Granted it was purple. But still. I looked.....punk rock.

Michael grinned so wide when we looked at the finished product. My hair, that is. "Now all that's left is for you to get some tattoos."

"Now that is a discussion we'll be having later on."


I cuddled closer to Ashton in the couch but his arms were crossed and he's not letting me in. "Come on, Ash. Don't be like that."

"You traitor." he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "It's literally just hair. It would grow back."

"You have dishonored our family."

"Oh God. You're being too melodramatic about this." I said as I ran my hands through my newly shortened hair. I decided that it was time for a change and surprised Ashton with a pixie cut for me. Little did I know how he would react.

"You're dead to me."


"We were supposed to grow our hair together, Y/N."

"We basically have the same length of hair!"

He looked at me and stared at my hair. Then suddenly Ashton patted my head. Like a dog. "Did you just—"

"I guess it makes you look cuter." he said, ignoring my question. "More adorable."

I scooted over to him and was surprised when he finally accepted my cuddles. "So you're okay with it?"

"There's really nothing I can do about it now, Y/N. Besides, I can't say

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