Calum Imagine

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Imagine you are relaxing with your boyfriend Calum on the couch. You are laying on top of him so both of you could be on the couch while you were watching a movie and his arms were lazily thrown around you. As you lay on top of him you can't help but listen to his heartbeat and soon enough it lulled you to sleep. You woke up as Calum was moving around and your eyes shot open.

"Oh god.. did i fall asleep on you?" You said a little embarrassed trying to get up but Calum tightened his grib on you.

"No don't move. I was just adjusting my legs. My left was starting to feel a little numb." He said laughing a little.

"I should just go to bed instead of this." You said trying to get up again and Calum let go of you, and stands up as well but before you got to take a step away from the couch he grabbed you and lifted you up birdal style.

"You know... I have legs for a reason, Cal." You said lauging but befroe he got to answer hes numb leg gave in to the weight of the both of you and he fell with you on the livlingroom floor. It didn't hurt that much but you felt bad for Calum now that he tried to be romantic and he normally not was the one to do this kind of things. Maybe that was the reason why he stayed with his face in the floor.

"It was a nice thought Calum!" You said trying to sounds as convincing as possible as you layed down infront of him and kissed his cheek. He lifted his head and revealed how red his face had become.

"I'm a awkward potato... I'll just die of shame right here." He said and made you laugh.

"Calum... Let's go to bed now. Get up from the floor." You started to pull his arms untill he got up.

"It's not funny! Promise me you won't tell anyone about this!"

"If you get to bed now, i'll try to forget it... maybe..." You said blowing a rasberry at him before walking off.

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