Surprise? (Michael) *tumblr*

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I sat on the tour bus, playing with my necklace as I waited for the guys to get back. Ashton assured me that they had finished the show and were on their way back, so I was beginning to get antsy as the minutes ticked by. I didn't fly all this way and go to all this work just to sit around in the crowded tour bus; I wanted to see Michael. I had decided to surprise him by joining them on tour. He'd been whining about how he wanted me to take the semester off and join him anyways, so this was the perfect gift. Two more minutes ticked by and my phone buzzed with another text from Ashton.

So sorry, we got caught up at the food table. We're headed back now, I swear. Get into position. –Ash

I jumped up, peeking out the window to see the four boys and three body guards walking toward the bus. I quickly scooted myself back into the back room of the bus, shutting the door behind me before sending another text to Ashton telling him that I was in position.

I paced back and forth in the small space at the back of the bus as I heard the boys clamor noisily onto the bus. I peeked through the crack in the door to see each of the guys throwing some clothes and basic necessities in duffels to bring back to the hotel. I could just make out Michael, standing in front of his bunk and throwing some clothes into a small pile before turning in a small circle, looking for something.

"Guys, has anyone seen my duffel? I swear I left it on my bunk," Michael said, running a hand through his hair.

Ashton stepped out of the bathroom, toothbrush and toothpaste in hand. "I think I saw it in the back earlier. I'll go check."

He tossed his stuff on his own bunk and stepped into the back room with me, cracking the door behind him. He winked at me before cupping his hands around his mouth and yelling, "Hey guys! Look who it is!"

I heard Calum and Luke snicker slightly as they opened the door to the back, only to be followed by Michael, who was muttering to himself about his duffel. I jumped up and tackled Michael in a hug. He obviously was not expecting me, considering how he pulled back immediately.

"Wait... Y/N?!" Michael finally shouted, wrapping me in another hug. "What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice muffled by my hair.

"Surprise?" I giggled. "I missed you so I figured, why not? Do you mind?"

"Mind? Of course not!"

I leaned into his ear, whispering so the others couldn't hear, "Oh, and I booked a separate room, too. I assume you don't mind that either?"

Michael sat back, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open slightly as he shook his head violently and a slight blush spread up his neck. "I-um, no! No, no!"

The boys laughed at his response, and Michael turned around, sending them a glare. "Oi! Get out!" He turned and pushed them out of the door and slammed it shut.

I stepped forward, pressing my lips to his as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I tangled my hands through his sweaty hair as he walked me back against the wall. He put a hand up next to my head, propping himself up on his elbow as he paused. He looked at me a long moment, biting his lip as he met my eyes.

"Man, this is the best surprise ever. I love you," he whispered before catching my lips with his again.

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