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[Y/N]: Your Name

You'd been best friends with Ashton for more than six years, you both having met long ago in high school. He was the only person you could trust with your entire life and be certain that he wouldn't toss it away. You looked out for each other and that never stopped when his band, 5 Seconds Of Summer, made it big.

However, as Ashton toured a lot there was always the occasional plea for your presence on the road. You'd declined a lot the first time they toured without One Direction, knowing that Ashton's first experience of touring had to be done without you. However, when the Rock Out With Your Socks Out Tour came around, Ashton's constant begging became too consistent for words.

But after a few declines, you found time off work and managed to score three whole weeks with Ashton and his bandmates, taking the spare bed on their bus. You'd met the boys too many times to count so touring with them felt more like roadtripping than anything. They were the best people to travel with and you felt welcomed.

However, there was only one such person who didn't feel particularly welcomed by your presence and it had been that way for a while now. You couldn't remember why but you'd never think much of it when Calum sent you sharp glares or made snide remarks toward you. If anything, you found his grumpy mood toward you quite amusing.

Not to mention that before Calum became a jerk, you had the biggest crush on him. You didn't know why he suddenly changed but you used to hang around him with the others a lot and he used to always be really nice to you. You just started to develop feelings for him through the way he'd hold doors open for you or make funny, yet inappropriate, jokes or lazily rub his eyes with his messy hair when he was tired.

He used to be so nice but then when he came back from 5SOS' first tour, he changed completely. At first, you just shrugged it off as if he were joking but then his snappy attitude became consistent and you realised he really didn't like you anymore. So, you just make a joke out of it. He could go to hell if he doesn't like you, you weren't going to let his crabby attitude ruin yours.

That never stopped the feelings though. Because you saw the real Calum from a distance, when he was with the band or with his fans or just in general. You could still see that the Calum you used to know was still there, he just never let you see that type of him anymore.

"And so basically Scott is protective of Allison still and when Isaac takes an interest in her, he doesn'treally get mad but he's still like yo, dude, don't even look at her." You explained your favourite TV show,Teen Wolf, to Ashton on the couch at the back of a bus while the vehicle moved.

As he looked up from his phone, you could tell your best friend wasn't listening and you should've been upset but you knew that there had definitely been times when you were like that.

"But, I guess it's just me but I've always found Allison rather annoying." You said, tilting your head and falling with your back on the arm of the couch - your legs were lying across Ashton's.

"Is she as annoying as you?" Calum muttered under his breath from across the bus. He was engrossed in his phone but you knew he was listening intently to your conversation with Ashton - well, one way conversation with him.

You put on a smile at him, "Allison is also an archer with good aim."

Calum only scoffed, saying something under his breath. You wished you could have those fun times back with Calum. How nice those times were when everything seemed alright. That was the Calum that you liked, and still do.

"Are you going to spend the whole tour bullying her?" Ashton glared at Calum, looking up from his phone. "Seriously, what's so hard about being nice to people?"

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