You're a Victoria Secret Model luke imagine *tumblr*

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this is by lashtonslove on tumblr

The music started. My pulse was quick, breathing heavy and my palms sweaty. Every time I walked down the long narrow stage with flashing lights form cameras and an audience watching me, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. However, once I spotted the one person that made all of my nerves disappear, I felt content. I held onto the smile that was beginning to appear on my face and I didn’t stop staring into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. He stared at me with such love and compassion and I knew he wanted to stay, not just because there were half naked models, but because he loved watching every move I made. Every expression on my face and every smile I tried to hide. When I stared into his eyes and he stared back at me, it was almost as is it just the two of us. In an alternate universe. Just us, no thoughts; no one other than Luke and myself, mesmerized by each other.

It was the end of the show and I walked into the small dressing room I called mine. Luke was there sitting on a stool admiring all of the small inspirational quotes I had plastered all over the walls.

"Hey, babe. You did tremendous." Luke said standing up and handing me a bottle of water.

"Thanks." I replied grabbing the cylindrical shape from his hands.

I quickly got changed from the tight and exposed material on my body, to jeans and one of Luke’s old Nirvana shirts. Luke stood outside of the door and when I exited the dressing room, he looked at me with those loving and compassionate eyes again. Every time he had that look on his face, it made me feel like jello. I couldn’t help but feel my heart melt and my spine tingling with shivers.

We came out from backstage to see the rest of the guys sitting patiently on their phones.

"Hey guys." Luke said trying to get everyone’s attention. They all looked at us and Ashton replied.

"Oh, hey you did a fantastic job, Y/N!" They all stood up and we decided to go to the movies and see the new spider man movie that came out a little while ago. First, Luke and I went home and I got changed into something a little more dressy than my comfy clothes, but not too dressy because it was just the movies. I made up my mind on what I was going to wear and we left.

"Five tickets for the Spiderman movie, please." Ashton said to the cute, short girl behind the counter. Ashton smiled his signature smile which showed his dimples. The girl smiled right back and said, "Enjoy the movie, guys." I looked at her name tag and it said Savannah. She was a very pretty girl, and I could see that she liked Ash a bit from looking in her eyes when she looked at him.

"You should ask that girl out, Ash. I could tell she liked you." I said looking in Ashton’s direction. Luke’s arms found it’s way to my waist. It was almost like he was side hugging me because he pulled me closer to him while we were walking.

"I don’t know, maybe." Ashton said with a bright smile on his face.

We entered the dark cinema and started to watch the action filled movie. We sat right in the back of the theater along with the other guys. The theater was completely empty besides us so we could pretty much do whatever we want or say whatever we want without annoying people. Luke put his arm around me… So cliche, and pulled me closer to him. I suddenly felt really tired and leaned my head on Luke’s shoulder. I started to feel myself drift off to sleep, but before I could do so I heard the voices of all of the guys.

"Wow. She must be tired." Calum said in a low, whispering voice to Luke.

"Yeah, I guess so. Isn’t she adorable?" Luke replied. I could feel the smile forming on his lips.

"You really love you, don’t you?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. I just haven’t, you know. Actually told her yet."

"Why not? It’s not like she doesn’t know already." Michael said back to Luke.

I felt Luke shrug a bit and after that I drifted into a deep sleep….

I woke up by hearing the faint voice of Luke. “Baby, wake up. The movie’s finished.”

And then I was woken up by a monstrous roar made by Michael. “GET UP Y/N!” I jumped a little from the loudness of the scream. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful shade of blue in front of me. It was like seeing an angel for the first time, but instead of white it was blue.

Luke and I walked to the car together and that’s when the boys and us went our separate ways. I got in the passenger side of the car while Luke went on the driver’s side. We just sat in the car for a few minutes before driving off. Luke looked my way and stared directly into my eyes.

"Y/N… I love you. So much." He said taking my hand in his. I leaned in and connected our lips together.This kiss wasn’t any normal kiss Luke and I once shared. The butterflies in my stomach were going absolutely crazy and it gave me chills up and down my body. It felt like there were more than fireworks; more spectacular than fireworks. I pulled apart from the kiss that I never wanted to leave and replied with a smile on my face.

"I love you, too Luke."

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