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guess whos back


He’s bent over, clutching his stomach, nose scrunched and eyes shut as he laughed, tears starting to leak from the corner of his eyes.

“Shut up, Luke – it’s not that funny!”

“Not that funny? Did you see yourself? You practically fell headfirst down the stairs! It was hilarious!”

“Number one, I can’t see myself and if I could I’d have more problems than a scraped knee. And number two, I didn’t fall, I tripped gracefully.”

You hold your chin up high as you say your words despite your fallen position on the cold floor, trying to regain as much dignity as you could after the embarrassing plummet.

“If that’s what you call ‘gracefully tripping’ then I can’t wait to see a ‘clumsy fall’ from you. Can you imagine that?”

He’s practically snorting with laughter, the words leaving his lips in between bubbles of laughter that echoed in the stairwell.

“Seriously, Luke? You’re not even going to ask if I’m okay? Some boyfriend you are.”

You grumble at him, brushing off your jeans and examining your scraped knees – they’re a little scratched up with bits of peeling skin, but it wasn’t bleeding and you’d be sore for a few days at worse.

He’s too busy laughing to hear your words, his breaths coming out in short wheezes as he sank to the ground, trying to catch his breath but failing miserably.

“You’re like a giraffe with two left feet.”

He’s breathless, eyes half-lidded from laughter when he looks at you again, a wide grin still split on his lips.

“And you’re an awkward penguin with an annoying goose laugh.”

You growl at him playfully, pinching his lips closed with your fingers, muffling his loud laughter.

“It really wasn’t that funny, Hemmings.”

“You practically tripped over your own two feet and crash landed onto the floor! You were like a giraffe sliding on ice with a faceplant finale!”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It was funny!”

You’re glaring at him and he’s staring back at you with those bright blue eyes, a childish lightness gleaming in them, traces of laughter still evident on his smiling lips.

“I’m hurt and you’re laughing at my pain!”

“Did you want me to kiss it better?”

You pout at him, eyes wide and lips exaggeratedly jutted out. He sighs, though a smile plays on his lips.

He brushes your scraped knees gently before planting a light kiss on the tattered skin.

You abruptly bend your knee up sharply, causing your kneecaps to smash into Luke’s nose.

Something in between a yelp and a shout of pain leaves his mouth, but as loud as it is, you can barely hear it over the sound of your own laughter.

And this time you’re the one clutching at your stomach, laughing uncontrollably, slumped on the side of the wall, breaths coming out short and tears starting to prick at the corner of your eyes.

Luke’s rubbing his now-red nose and glaring at you, a pout on his lips, but his childishly hurt expression only makes you laugh harder as you doubled over, trying to contain your hysterical giggles.

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