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written by http://jetblackhammings.tumblr.com/

Calum's family had practiced witchcraft since the early days. His family fled from Salem to Australia in hopes of safety for the years to come. Calum had watched his grandmother be burned at the stake. He remembers the day like it was yesterday:

The knock came to his door in a harsh rap.

"Old Lady Hood! Old Lady Hood?"

"Calum, please hide in the corner with Mali and don't come out." Calum's grandmother warned.

"Old Lady Hood, we know you're in there! We're coming in!" Calum ran into the small space and Mali-Koa held him in an embrace. They heard the door slam on the ground and looked to see a bulky man grab his grandmother harshly. They tugged her out the door and that was when Calum shouted:

"No! Grandmama!" The men's heads immediately turned to the noise, spotting Calum and Mali. One of them, Gasteaux, marched up to the children and picked up the small boy by his arm. He leaned in close to Calum's face.

"And are you a witch too, petite garçon?" he spat the question, ending it in his native language.

"W-what's a w-witch?" his baby voice whispered. Calum had no idea what Gasteaux was talking about. He was only seven.

"Leave him alone! He doesn't know anything! He's not like me..." His grandmother begged.

"Et la jeune fille?" he asked, curious about Mali-Koa.

"Both of them are human," she lied

"Bring the children," Two other men came and picked up the siblings. They brought them to the town square where they watched the men tie up their grandmother.

"Today we witness one of our best nurses be known as a witch. Today, she will be burned at the stake for her evil practices and die for her sins." Gasteaux shouted to the people.

"Grandmama!" Calum cried and cuddled closer to Mali, who had tears rolling our of her eyes like an active volcano spewing lava.

"I love you..." their grandmother mouthed before the flames licked at her skirt, climbing its way upwards, spreading until her body was engulfed. The flames rawed and distorted her wrinkly skin. Her screams pierced the people ears, bursting their eardrums, but giving peace to her grandchildren. At the shriek, the flames burst green and blue from a deep red and orange.

Calum woke up sobbing. He reached for his phone, calling his sister. When she answered the phone, he could hear the blaring music. Calum rolled his eyes know his sister was probably at a club somewhere in Europe.

"Wassup, Cally?" Mali slurred.

"For heaven's sake, Mali, be sober for once!" Calum groaned, annoyed with his sister's constant state.

"Relax, Cal-Pal, I'm– I's is– you's are– I am drinking resmonsinbly..."

Calum sighed, rubbing the place between his eyebrows, "Do you mean 'responsibly?'"

"Yes! How's d'you know?"

"Mali-Koa, are you coming back to see the new sachem mage?"

"Yeah, yeshh, I'm is gons-ing to be there."

"Be safe Mali,"

"I love you, Calum."

"Mm– Love you too,"

"Hello, and welcome witches to the party for the new sachem mage!" Coraline, the necromancer emissary spoke. The huge crowd cheered and screamed waiting for this girl, the first girl sachem mage, to come out. "Please welcome, Y/N Y/L/N!"

You had your Y/H/C curled to perfection and your face was as flawless as you could make it. You wore a black lace dress, which kind of reminded Calum of American Horror Story: Coven, to be honest. Not that he watched it or anything. Calum thought that you would be some old, crinkly lady, but you ended up being the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

You walked around, people coming up to you and congratulating you.

"Y/N?" you heard someone ask. You turned around, and your eyes widened.

"Mali-Koa Hood?" you asked surprised. You met Mali during your training time in Cologne, Italy. We got pissed-drunk and partied all night.

"So how was Copenhagen?" you winked, trying to get your point across.

"You bitch! It was great though; great beer, great food, great men..." You laughed as she signaled her weird innuendo. She suddenly squealed and turned you around to a boy around nineteen years old. His chocolate brown eyes swallowed you whole and his dark hair made you want to run your fingers through what seemed to be a silky texture. His tattoos made him seem even more attractive against his naturally tan skin.

"Y/N, this is my brother, Calum." Mali-Koa smirked and gave them both a knowing look.

"Mali, it's nice to not hear the slur in your voice." Calum sassed, "But Y/N, congrats on sachem mage, you look gorgeous today." You blushed hard at his words.

"Thank you, Calum." That's when you finally looked into his eyes, and you immediately knew that you fell for him. You fell for his big eyes that reminded you of a puppy dog, his lips that made you want to kiss him to no end. But the one thing that stood out to you was the way his breath stopped short when he saw you.


"Y/N, he's going to pass; let him go..." his mother whispered, rubbing up and down your arm.

You sniffled and shook your head, "No, no... he's not dying... he can't be..." you placed your hand on his and squeezed. He opened his eyes which you gasped in surprise at the yellow-ness of them.

"It hu-urts..." he groaned in a whisper.

"It will be over soon, I promise." His father said.

"You are horrible parents." you whispered to yourself more than them.

"Excuse me?" they both asked because they couldn't hear you.

"You just stand there and accept that Theo, your only son, is going to leave you forever. Don't you love him? Because I do,"

"Y/N," you heard a frail, weak voice come from beside you. "It's going to be okay."

"No it's not, you're going to be gone. You're the love of my life, Theo; I can't live without you..." you started crying.

"I love you more than anything in the world." he said as loud as he could. You leaned in and placed your forehead on his. He pushed his chin, signifying that he wanted a kiss, you complied. The last thing he did before he closed his eyes one last time was give you a beautiful gaze with his yellow eyes and let out a short gasp of breath saying:

"You are always able to take my breath away."


You stared at him.

"I am so sorry, but I have to go and– and speak to other guests. If you excuse me." you lowered your gaze and head, walking away.

When you walked away, Calum felt like a part of him left too.

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