prince!luke *tumblr*

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Luke, you can't go. It's simply too dangerous."

"In case you're forgetting who I am–"

"I know perfectly well who you are," you snap. "But I'm telling you, you're not allowed to go. Your father said it was too dangerous and I agree with him. You aren't going."

"You can't stop me," Luke says, giving you a mean glare.

You stare back at him, furrowing your brow once he looks away. He sighs and lays back on his bed, groaning loudly to try to get your pity. You sit down beside him on the bed, trying to ignore the sliver of skin poking out from beneath the hem of his shirt.

"Who says you can't have a fun night in, Luke? You live in a castle, surely you can find something to do."

"It's not exciting when there's no one here to do anything with."

You roll your eyes. "What am I? Chopped liver?"

His eyes go wide. "No–I mean, no, I just... You're my bodyguard. Wouldn't it be weird?"

"Why would it be? I'm around a lot and I know you have to have something in mind that we can do!" You protest, standing up.

"There are some things," he chuckles and you can feel your cheeks heat up.

"Like what?"

"Let's just say, ever since my father introduced me to you, I've had some things in mind," he says, walking over and placing his hands on your hips.

"See?" you say, your voice cracking a tiny bit. "Who says we can't be friends?"

"Me," he answers. "We can't be friends because friends don't want to completely ruin each other."

You can feel the lump in your throat growing bigger as his blue eyes darken while they stare into yours. His lips crash into yours and before you know it, you're laying back on his bed. He crawls up to you, leaning down and kissing you again before reaching to undo the button on your pants.

"Hey, Luke?" You say when he pulls away momentarily.

"Yeah?" he asks, slightly out of breath.

"Don't tell your dad. This isn't what I hired for."

He only laughs and kisses you again. "But we know what your new job is."

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