CEO Luke

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You sighed "He's having a fit again" you thought as you fix your boss a coffee from the coffee maker. He was once again shouting at every employee that his eyes see saying how they were very incompetent with their work. Well, every employee except you considering you never fail at your job.

You remember the day you became the assistant of the Luke Hemmings aka CEO of Hemmings enterprises and one of the most successful CEOs in the country. It was frightening to say at least. He was shouting at another employee when you arrived, holding a coffee on your hands."And who are you?" He glared at you."Uhm... I'm your new assistant sir." He nodded and get the coffee from your hands. "Did you make this coffee?" You hesitantly nodded "This is coffee is heaven sent. I want you to make my coffee from now on. Understood?" You nodded again and then he did something you thought you'd never see. He gave you a genuine smile, the one that shows his teeth, leaving you confused as he sip on his coffee and went back to work.

"Y/N!!" You got his coffee and sauntered to your boss's office. When you entered his hands were covering his head. He looked up as you closed the door. "They're all incompetent." He stood up as you walked closer to him. "You just need to relax. Here have some coffee." You gave him the cup and the moment he sipped on it, his shoulders visibly relaxed. "I'm pretty sure there's some potion here or something in this coffee." You laughed."Maybe that's why you've been nicest to me ever since you drank my coffee." He laughed with you as well. "Maybe... Nah, you're just a good assistant 's all"

It wasn't a secret that you became close with the CEO. You were the envy of all the employees in the company. You were the only employee there that he hasn't shouted at and you were the only employee that he is very close to. He was nice to you but it started when he caught you listening to Blink 182. "You like them too?" You blushed as he caught you head banging but you still nodded. After that he was extra nice to you. Sometimes you guys would talk during breaks or before presentations when the both of you are nervous.

You were friends, yes, but you can't help but think differently with your boss. Well, he might be the most attractive person you've seen so it's not a surprise that you adore him every once in a while. Most of the time you daydream about him. How his hands would feel intertwined with yours. How his arms would feel wrapped around your body. How his lips would taste like on your lips. But you knew it wouldn't happen. It'd be unprofessional for the both of you to date and it's not like he looks at you and feels the same way for you.

You snapped out of your thoughts when Luke entered your office. "What are you still doing here Y/N? It's late at night already." "I'm doing overtime Mr. Hemmings. I still need to finish this papers." You pointed at the stack of papers on your table. He walked to your table to look at it. "You're not supposed to these. Who made you do those?" His face hardened and you panicked. "Uhm. Addie was sick sir. I don't mind finishing it since we need it tomorrow afternoon." He nodded "Well if you're done give it to me in my office so I could check for mistakes." "Yes sir" with that, he went to his office and you went back to work.

By the time you were finished it was 11 in the evening. You gathered your papers and looked if Mr. Hemmings was still there. You knocked two times before he answered it with a tired smile. "Took you long enough." You gave him the papers and he checked for mistakes. "I think everything's good. As always" he teased."Well I better get going Mr. Hemmings. Have a good night." You started walking when an arm grabbed you. "Wait uhm would you like a ride home?" You shook your head. "It's okay sir. I'm just getting a taxi." "I insist Y/N. Consider this a reward for your work." You thought about it and then nodded.

He opened the car door for you and you slipped inside. He turned on the radio then an All Time Low song played. "Oh my god I love this song." you looked at him and he did the most un-CEO thing you've ever seen him do. He air guitar-ed and made some guitar noises then head banged. You couldn't contain it and laughed so hard at him. "Shut up Y/N at least I don't wiggle my butt to a Blink song." He smirked at you. "Oh shut it you. Just drive now Mr. Hemmings." "Call me Luke." He smirked again as he drove away.

All throughout the drive the both of you just sang your favorite songs at the top of your lungs. The both of you had stopped laughing by the time you arrived to your apartment. He hurried to open the door on your side and you went out. As you were about to say goodbye he spoke "I'll walk you to tour door." You nodded and the both of you walked to the door, your smile never leaving your face.

"Thanks for driving me and walking me here Mr. Hemmings" you were now in front of your door with the key in your hands and Luke was in front of you. "I told you just call me Luke outside the office." "Okay Luke." You rolled your eyes jokingly."I had fun Y/N. Thanks. You can go inside now. Goodnight." "Goodnight Luke." You gave him one last smile and opened the door. "Uhh wait Y/N." You turned around quickly which caused you to fall but Luke was fast to catch you.

You stared at his eyes and you were stunned at how bright it was. He was still holding you and your eyes traveled to his lips. They were soft and pink, just like how you imagined it would be up close. You stared at each other for a few seconds until you cleared your throat. "Uhm sorry..." Luke pulled away and looked down the floor. "Yeah Uhmm I'll go now."He looked at you and sighed. "Fuck it."And then he slammed his lips against yours.

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