your son *tumblr* 2/4

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-  you hum to the tune of the music playing in your headphones.  You were finishing up so medical stuff for Noah while Luke and him had some “boy bonding time” as he claimed it was.  You knew that Luke would soon get bored with Noah seeing that he was only a month old and didn’t do hardly anything. Luke didn’t have a lot of patience.   but you decided to let the boy have some time with his father. “hey y/n?” you hear the sound of your husband calling you, voice packed with curiosity.  You pull the buds from your ears and spin on the chair watching the blonde come into the room with Noah cradled in his arms.  You hum in response, standing up to sit on the bed.  He plops next to you setting Noah in the middle.  “does he do anything?” Luke asked starring at the blue eyed beauty.  You laugh playing with the little eyebrows Noah had.  Noah watched you both in awe trying to figure out what you were doing.  “yeah but,” he paused putting his thumb and pointer on Noah’s cheeks.  “he doesn’t even blink.  Won’t he damage his eyes?” Luke starts to push around his chubby cheeks making Noah look even cuter.  “Babe he blinks don’t worry” you chuckle watching Luke move around the poor baby’s face.  “I think he’s going to get all the ladies” you gush randomly turning on your stomach that was still a little bloated.  “what? Of course he is but we should probably tell him he’s ugly so he doesn’t get a big ego and become an asshole” you laugh at Luke’s theory of preventing his son from being a prick.  “don’t worry babe if he’s related to you he’ll be a big loser” Luke gasps taking his hand away from Noah.  “I was considered a very cool person (y/full/n)” you laugh again.  “in middle school you totally looked like a lunch lady” he puts a hand to his chest pretending to be offended “that was the style” he reaches over Noah grabbing your hips and tickling you.  “Luke ok ok ok ok stop it” you giggle shoving him away from you and almost off the bed.  “I was a hot lunch lady” he stood on his feet throwing his hip out and pretending to flick his hair.  You snort picking up Noah.  “that was hot babe” you stuck your tongue out only getting an eye roll and a smile from Luke.  He flopped on his stomach next to you and Noah, putting an arm around your waist and kissing your hip.  The three of you sat in silence for a while.  But the good silence until Luke spoke up.  “I love you guys” you smiled down at him and then at Noah.  “I love you guys too”


- “Alex! Get your backpack. We’re going to be late!” Michael yelled tripping over the last step and falling onto your Labrador, pebbles.  Pebbles let out a yelp running away from the clumsy pink haired boy.  Michael groaned limping into the kitchen to see your hair neatly placed in a bun and you looking as sophisticated as ever.  You slid him a bowl of cereal smiling.  “having troubles with the stairs” you chuckling obviously seeing him.  He laughs humorously flipping you off only making you laugh more.  Your son hops down the stairs with his ninja turtle backpack and his hair flicked to the side.  Pebbles jumps on his chest making him giggle loudly and fall back onto the hardwood floor.  “Pebbles!” he squeals pushing the slobbering dog away.  “hey baby! First day of school today! Are you excited?” you ask picking him up and kissing his cheek.  “yeah! Daddy said I’m going to pick up lots of chicks and soon I’ll be banging them!” your eyes widen flicking your head towards Michael who’s chocking on his cereal.  “uh I don’t know about that bud.  It’s your first day of kindergarten lets not get anyone pregnant today k?” Alex shrugs running over to his stool and devouring his cereal. You smack your husband upside the head while Alex isn’t watching.  Michael laughs kissing your cheek and sending Alex to go brush his teeth and put his shoes on.  “they grow up so fast” Michael awes fake crying onto your shoulder.  You laugh shoving him away from you.  “get off your dork there’s still another one upstairs” you wave the baby monitor for Dylan in his face.  “I’m ready I’m ready” Alex holds his backpack straps trying to run to the car.  Michael picks him up stopping him from going any further.  “did you brush your teeth?” Alex nods smiling tightly.  “Lemme smell” he shakes his head.  “Alex” Michael warns.  Alex opens his mouth breathing heavily into Michaels face before bursting into laughter and squirming out of his arms.  “Alex Marcus go brush your teeth right now smelly” he chases his son up the stairs.  Finally he gets Alex’s teeth brush and him into the car. They get to the elementary school and Alex grabs onto Michael’s hand suddenly becoming very timid.  They get to his class and Michael bends down fixing his sons hair.  Alex looks into the class shaking his head “never mind daddy I don’t wanna go to school” he starts to walk back to the car but Michael pulls his backpack back.  “c’mon bud it’s not that bad” Alex shakes his head again “I don’t wanna go it’s going to be boring and the teacher lady looks mean” he pouts.  Michael sighs getting up and taking his hand dragging him into the room disregarding his protests.  “hello I’m Michael Clifford and this is my son Alex Clifford” Michael introduces them to his teacher who smiles at the both of them.  “why hello Alex and Michael, my name is Mrs. West.  Are you going into kindergarten?” Alex hides behind Michaels legs creasing his eyebrows at Mrs. West.  “he’s having second thoughts about kindergarten” Michael chuckles.  “hey bud why don’t you go sit by the boy over there” Alex sighs going to sit by the boy at the table.  He plops down and the boys awkwardly shifts away.  Alex dramatically throws his arms on the table tapping them together.  Michael finishes his conversation with Mrs. West and goes over to talk to Alex.  “daddy I wanna leave the kids here are mean” Michael chuckles kissing his forehead “I’m sure there’s one kid who’s nice Alex” Alex shakes his head.  Michael rolls his eyes kissing him again “you’ll do great buddy” he offers a high five to Alex who hesitantly returns,

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