Luke Becomes A Dad *tumblr*

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"What do we want today?" You asked rubbing your stomach. You rummaged through the fridge looking for anything that could please your cravings. "Ice cream it is!" You said pulling the ice cream out of the freezer. You scooped yourself three big scoops and instantly felt guilty. "I'm pregnant whatever!" You shrugged.

You brought the ice cream over to the couch where you continued watching Say Yes To The Dress. "Ow." You mumbled rubbing your stomach. "Can't you wait till I finish my ice cream?" You whined. You felt another strong kick before a sudden rush of water fell. "Yikes guess you can't wait!" You said. You grabbed your phone and texted Liz before dialing Luke's number. "Hey baby!" He said into the phone. "Luke, I'm in labor." You said. "Oh my god." He said. "Luke this hurts too much already, I need you here." You said as tears began to fill your eyes. "Listen baby girl, did you call my mom?" He asked. "Mhm." You whispered. "Good, do you have the bags ready? Wait in the living room for my mom." He said.

"Stay on the phone with me." He said. "I can't believe I'm about to have the baby without you." You said. "I know, I'll be home in a week and we're gonna have an amazing time, me you and our daughter. Are you in pain?" He asked. "Yes these contractions hurt." You replied. "Okay then just talk to me." He began. "Are you ready, me and you are going to be parents! God, I remember the day you told me, we were so happy. Then the first ultrasound and she looked like a little jelly bean, but me and you were so in love. And remember when we found out we were having a little girl? A little princess. And now here we are. We're going to be holding that little jelly bean in our arms." He said. He could tell another contraction hit you as you groaned into the phone. "Breathe baby girl." He whispered.

You heard the doorbell ring and looked up to see Liz at the door. She let herself in and came over to where you were sitting. "Is that Luke on the phone?" She asked. You nodded. "Can I talk to him?" She asked. You handed her the phone. "Hi honey, yes I got her, everything is going to be just fine. I'll keep you updated." She said handing you back the phone. "Listen, you're in good hands with my mom. I love you so much, you can do this. We'll talk later, okay?" He said. "Okay." You said before hanging up.

Liz gathered your things and you followed her out to the car. She drove you to the hospital and you checked in. The nurse brought you into the room where she gave you a gown to change into. After you changed, you went back out to the room where she checked you. "Looks like you're only two centimeters dilated, you mentioned that your water broke?" She asked. You nodded. "That's alright, just means your a little slower, most first babies are." She said before walking out the room.

Two centimeters, which means you were still pretty far from getting any type of pain medication. Liz went out to the hallway to tell the rest of the family what was happening. Luke began calling you again, but you didn't answer right away. You stared at the picture that came up when he called and just wished he could be there right now with you. "Hi." You answered. "How's it going?" He asked. "Well I'm only two centimeters dilated so it looks like it's gonna be a while." You said. "Good." He mumbled. "Good, did you just say good Luke? Do you have any idea about how much pain I am in." You said. "Not good, not good. Look I gotta go." He said before hanging up. You were suspicious but you were in too much pain to care.

Fifteen hours later, and you were still in labor, naturally. You had yet to be dilated enough to get the epidural yet, so you were just waiting around. You heard a knock on the door and you looked up to see who was coming to visit now, but when the door opened you saw Luke. "Luke!" You squealed. "Didn't think you would see me did you?" He asked. You shook your head. "That's why I said good, I didn't know if I had enough time to surprise you, but when you said it was slow, I thought I could make it, here I am." He said.

"What about the tour, I told you not to leave the tour?!" You said. "The tour is over, we had our last show last night. Surprise! I was gonna surprise you at home but here we are here!" He said. "I'm just glad your here." You said as he bent down to give you a kiss. He pulled the chair over next to the bed and took your hand in his. "So now we just wait?" He asked. You nodded. "Just like the waiting your mom and I have been doing for the past fifteen hours." You said.

You finally got your epidural and were much happier and took a nap for a while. When you woke up you found Luke talking to one of the nurses. "Morning sleepy head!" He said with a smile. "Guess what?" He asked. "You're nine centimeters!" The nurse said. "We're going to get you ready for delivery." She said. You looked up at Luke who was smiling from ear to ear. She walked out of the room. "I'm scared." You said. "About?" He asked. "Like this is real, like we're going to be parents. We're gonna hold our jelly bean." You said. "But it's a good scared, we're gonna be parents."

Your doctor came back into the room and checked you again confirming that you were ten centimeters. "Okay Luke if you want to hold her leg, we can have another nurse hold the other or you can have your mom hold it." You and Luke looked at Liz sitting on the bench in the room with a smile on her face. Luke looked at you then his mom, "Get over here." He said. She came over and grabbed your other leg. "Okay so now we just wait until she has a contraction." The nurse said. "When you do, you're gonna push. Push for ten seconds, take a breath, and then push again. We hope we can get in two pushes per contraction." She added.

"Okay go!" She said. You pushed as hard as you could. "Keep going!" She yelled. "The head is almost out! There it is!" She said. You took a minute before pushing the rest of the baby out. She placed the baby on your stomach as a nurse began to clean her off. "You did it! She's here." Luke said giving you a kiss. "Good job sweetie!" Liz said. They wrapped her in a pink blanket and gave her a little hat before leaving the three of you.

They both looked at the little baby you were holding in your arms. "I can't believe I have a grand baby." She said. "I can't believe I'm a father." Luke said. She slowly opened her eyes revealing she had the same bright blue eyes as Luke. "She has your eyes!" You said. "And your hair." You added. You handed her off to Liz who began to cry as she looked down at the baby in her arms. "Our jelly bean is pretty cute." Luke whispered. 

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