Bodyguard!5SOS *tumblr*

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"Princess for the love of sweet baby Jesuswould you get dressed already?" He groaned from outside of my wardrobe room where my team was locked out of as well. "I don't want to go!" I pouted from behind the door, it was another stupid ball with stupid people and stupid princes that all wanted my hand in marriage. "Princess, I swear to God I will rip my hair out if you don't get dressed in the next 30 minutes!" My body guard yelled from the outside as he pounded on the door. "NOW!" His voice boomed through the halls as I jumped slightly at his tone. I poked my head out and smiled up at him "so you'll be bald.." I trailed off as I looked up with him with my eye brow cocked upwards. "what?" He spat as he looked down at me. "You just said you'll rip you're hair out" I laughed as his confused and angered face dropped immediately into a dull unamused face. "Oh cheer up, I opened the door.." I trailed off as I let my team in making him shake his head. "You'll be the fucking death of me" I laughed loudly as I sat in my makeup chair and looked over at him. "Cool i'll see you at the funeral" I smirked at him sending a wink his way.


"Move please, excuse me! Move!" I yelled as I held my arm out in front of the princess of pop in front of me as she made her way through the airport full of paparazzi and fans. "No pictures! No Pictures!" I yelled as fans kept stepping in front of us as they tried to get photos with her. "Please guys sorry! We're in a rush!" I pleaded as I put my hand on her lower back making her giggle making my eyes roll. "You're so over protective cal pal" She whispered as she leaned on me gently. "Yeah well it's my fucking job" I mumbled back to her as I got her inside the airport and towards our private gate. "It's not just cause I give you blow jo–" I shushed her immediately and nudged her towards our gate. I rolled my eyes as she spun on her heels in a circle flashing me that smile I had grown to fall in love with. "You're just jealous they have all my attention when my attention should be on you" She giggled as she walked onto the plane. "I hate you you know!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs from the bottom of the private jet. "Yeah I know!" She laughed from inside her jet making me grunt as I followed her up the steps.


"The eagle is flying I repeat the eagle is flying" I whispered into my sleeve pocket radio as I walked behind the 'eagle'. "Copy" I heard ring through my ear piece. "Ashton why are we going to the White House again" I heard from beside me with a groan. "Because your father is being honored" I nodded as I put her behind me gently. "And I have a 5 guy team becauseeeee...." she trailed off as she looked up at me. "Because It's required" I chuckled softly nudging her to quit it. "Ash please can we just go back home" She whispered leaning on me gently. "Not yet sweetie" I whispered just loud enough for her to hear. She was my world, and the fact that I'm breaking almost every rule in the senators book but she was worth it. But even at these high steak event parties for her father there were risks and my alert was on high because she meant just that much to me. "Sit" I motioned to her as I pulled out her chair and crossed my arms in front of me as I took my position behind her. "Thank you baby" She whispered softly making me break my stone cold face into a faint grin.


"Oh for fucks sake!" I yelled as I chased after my bosses daughter. "You said a bad word Mikey!" She yelled as she ran around the dining table. "Y/N! You're 21 years old why are you doing this to me!" I yelled after her as I chased her making her laugh. "Because you're the only one who actually runs after me!" She yelled making me grunt as I ran faster and grabbed her hips throwing her over my shoulder. "That's no fair" She pouted as she leaned on her hand as she looked over at me over my shoulder. "Yeah and you're a pain in my fucking ass" I mumbled as I walked up the stairs carrying her. "But you like it" She giggled as I opened her door. "on occasion but not today, now get your pretty ass dressed so we can go to this stupid dinner" I muttered as I sat her down smacked her ass slightly making her smile over her shoulder at me. "What? I like your ass" I laughed as I walked towards her door. "Daddy could fire you" She smirked back at me. "Yeah but we all know who your real daddy is don't we?" I smirked down at her as I winked softly before leaving her to get changed.

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