The Boys Tease Him About You *tumblr*

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Luke: You and Luke were texting each other back and forth halfway across the world. While you sat at home with your homework still waiting on your desk, Luke sat in a hotel room waiting for the cars to arrive to drive him and the boys down to the stadium for the concert. Both of your intentions was to talk to each other for as long as possible before he had to leave, so the phone was never placed down or turned off. Luke was smiling while he sat on the couch of the hotel. He was hunched over his phone, his thumbs flying as he added two emojis to the end of his text. Calum saw Luke on the couch with his giggly smile as he stood in the kitchen. He walked over to Luke on the couch, who didn’t even notice him next to him, and tried to get a peek at what he was doing. Calum sat next to him and leaned over, their shoulders being pressed against one another’s. Calum bent over just like Luke to see his screen. “Whatcha doin’?” “Texting,” Luke replied quickly. He waited for your response, which came within a few seconds of his last message, and then he rushed to type back. “Who?” “Probably (Y/N),” Michael bounded into the room in only his boxers. His hair was disheveled, he probably just woke up. “I don’t think he’d be texting his Mom with that grin on his face.” “Oooh, what does that grin mean, Lukey? What’s goin on over text?” Calum laughed and shoved his shoulder, trying to look at the screen once more. “Calum, go away!” Luke edged away from him on the couch. “You know one time Luke left his phone unlocked and I looked through his texts with (Y/N).” Michael leaned over the counter in the kitchen. “Let’s just say it got pretty kinky.” “Kinky texts?” Now Ashton was in the room. He looked over to Luke and Calum on the couch and raised his brow. “What texts are you sending her? Can’t the government read that stuff?” “I’m not sending her anything like that, stop bothering me,” Luke mumbled as he finally looked up from his phone. “Have you heard him talking to her on the phone, too? Like, he’ll be really sweet one minute and then the next his voice goes down an octave and he’s like whispering seductive things. I know he does it too cos he goes to a different room and—” “Michael, shut the fuck up; you’re making that up!” “No, I’m not,” he giggled back to him. Calum leaned over and looked at Luke’s screen while he was busy scowling at Michael. “There’s just a bunch of emojis. How is this amusing?” Luke snapped back to his phone and edged away on the couch once more. “That sounds fucking boring, if you ask me. You guys have the stupidest conversations,” Michael whined. “Just leave us alone.” “Wait, Calum, you never said if they were kinky emojis,” Michael piped up. “MICHAEL, SHUT UP!”

Calum: Calum was currently stalking your Twitter on his laptop in a hotel room in bed. He was shirtless and had bed hair, and didn’t really know how he ended up stalking your profile on Twitter, but that’s just where he ended up. He thought he was being funny, at first he kept sending you tweets saying “message me bby" or stupid pick-up lines like "oh no I’m choking, i need mouth to mouth quick!!!!!" and "are you swedish? cos you’re the sweetist girl i’ve ever met" but it was funny because you weren’t responding to any of them. You kept getting notifications on your phone from him as he favorited some of your tweets and responded to them. The boys had also been on Twitter and were seeing all of these stupid tweets, which made them wonder what exactly Calum was doing. Ashton, Michael, and Luke were all in the living room of the hotel room ‘watching’ TV. They got up from the couch and headed to the bedroom Calum shared with Luke. Ashton opened the door first, and the sudden sound made Calum look up from his laptop. "What do you want?" Calum went to close his laptop but he stopped himself from doing so. It would make him look even more suspicious than it needed to be. "What are you doing?" Ashton slowly walked into the room, but Michael didn’t care as he stumbled in after Ashton to sit next to Cal on the bed. Luke closed the door behind him and continued to scroll on his phone, looking at the tweets Calum has been sending you. "On Twitter." "Yeah, what’s up with all the tweets you’ve been sending (Y/N)? Someone’s thiiiiirsty," Michael laughed as he laid down on the bed, his feet bumping against Calum’s. Cal moved away from him on the bed and shut his laptop. "No, I just miss her. And had nothing else to do." "Well, if you miss her and have nothing else to do, why don’t you just call her?" Luke asked. "Yeah, Cal. God, sometimes you just forget about logical things. Call her instead of sending her weird booty calls over Twitter for everyone to see." "They’re not booty—" "Well, just call her or text her in private. No one wants to see all the stupid things you say to her," Ashton spoke up. "Yeah, what kind of pick up line was "did your father have sex with a carrot? cos you’ve got nice eyeesssss”?” Luke referred back to his phone as he looked at the tweet he favorited and retweeted. “Okay, I looked some of them up and I thought that one was pretty funny—” “No, Calum. I hope you didn’t use any of these before you asked her out because she totally would have ran away.” Calum was quiet for a while and then whispered, “I said a few and she thought they were funny, I don’t know what’s so bad with that.”

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