New Arrival - Luke Hemmings *tumblr*

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"Morning, babe," Luke whispered into your neck, his arms sliding round your waist as you added a spoonful of sugar to his mug of steaming hot coffee.

"Morning," You replied enthusiastically, turning your head to kiss him on the lips. He took his mug of coffee and sipped a little before placing it down and rubbing your growing belly.

"Do you think we should tell her today?" Luke asked, referring to your daughter. You were over a few months into your second pregnancy, and both yourself and Luke were delighted to be welcoming a new addition to the Hemmings family. You both decided it would be safe to wait before announcing to both of your families and friends on the big news. With all the relatives now knowing, it was definitely time for your little girl to hear the news that she was going to be a big sister. Nodding, Luke grinned and announced he was going to get her out of bed for breakfast.

As you sat at the kitchen table scrolling through a few of your social media apps, your energetic little daughter came running into the kitchen, still in her fluffy pyjama's, and kissed you on the cheek.

"Morning little bean!" You spoke, giving her a cuddle before getting up to fix her a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice.

Luke sat down next to her as you placed her cereal on the table.

"Daddy!" She shrieked, thrusting a spoonful of chocolate cereal to his lips. "Eat some breakfast!" He ate the spoonful, laughing as he explained to your child that he would have a proper breakfast soon.

"Sweetheart, me and your Mummy have some really special news," He began, stroking her soft hair. "Can we tell you now?"

Your little girl looked at you, then back to Luke cautiously before speaking.

"Will you whisper it to me, Daddy?" She asked, leaning over to him.

"Okay bean, come and sit on my lap then!"

She cuddled into Luke as he moved her hair out of the way to whisper in her ear. As he did so, a little gasp escaped her lips.

"Really, Daddy?" She exclaimed, holding his face in her little hands.

"Really baby! Are you excited?"

Getting up from her chair, little Hemmings walked round to you, staring at your belly.

"It's in there?" She spoke, pointing.

"Yes baby," You replied to your daughter. "That's going to be your little brother or sister!"

She gasped, climbing up on to your lap.

"But, how did it get there?" She quizzed, making you look up at Luke, not knowing what to reply. "Who made it?"

"Mummy and I did, sweetheart. To give you another little person to spend time with, isn't that great?"

"Can she sleep in my bed?" Your daughter asked, looking at you both with pleading eyes.

"Maybe," You giggled. "But she won't be here until nearly Christmas!"

The day passed quickly and evening soon came. Luke's bandmates, Ashton, Michael and Calum visited you, and baby Hemmings announced to you and Luke she would tell the boys the big news. Even though the boys already knew, you had asked them to be surprised for her sake.

As the boys entered and sat down, your little girl sat on Ashton's lap, whispering in his ear.

"Uncle Ashton, I need to tell you something important!" Making the rest of you giggle, as he nodded.

"Your dad tells me you have some big news, is that right?" He quizzed, as she nodded.

She got up and walked over to you, pointing to your tummy.

"Uncle Calum and Michael listen to me!" She spoke, noticing that they were speaking over her. As everybody's attention was on her she began again.

"There is a baby in there!" She excitedly spoke, jumping up and down. She ran back to Ashton, sitting on his lap. "And guess what? I'm going to be the best sister ever!"

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