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by http://peaceof5sos.tumblr.com/

"Shit," You cursed, springing out of bed as your brain registered the numbers your alarm clock was telling you. Of course, you had once again overslept and only had a couple dozen minutes to get ready.

Leaving your personal room and heading straight for the washroom, you washed your face and brushed your teeth as fast as you could, before going to the small kitchen to grab something to eat.

Just as you were getting yourself a glass of water, and put the kettle on to make some coffee, another presence appeared in the kitchen. Assuming it was your roommate, you turned around. Although, the box of crackers almost went flying across the kitchen when you didn't recognize the person.

"Who the hell are you?" You exclaimed, wide eyes staring at the tall unknown blonde in front of you. "Uh," The guy paused, clearly also taken aback by your outburst. "I'm Nathans friend? He said I could stay here for a bit." He rasped, talking about your roommate as his hands moved up to flatten his tousled hair.

"Jesus," You groaned to yourself, mentally cursing your idiot roommate for not letting you know. "Look, I don't really have time for this right now." You glanced over at the time on the microwave, once again feeling panic sit in. "I have to go," You muttered more so to yourself, as you faced the stranger who was apparently living with you.

Raising an eyebrow as you caught his eyes trailing down your body; you actually realized you were still half naked in your large t-shirt which you slept in. Walking past him, you went back to your room to get dressed and ready to go. Applying your makeup on first, you tried to figure out what you were going to wear. Shit, you really needed to start getting up earlier.

Just as you were hooking your bra behind your back, the door swung open. Spinning around, eyes wide, you were faced with your roommate's random friend. "Dude," You spoke, the shock clear on his face. At least he didn't do it on purpose. "Seriously, who are you?"

He looked at your face, after not so subtly staring at your chest. You smirked to yourself, catching him checking you out for the second time in the few minutes you had known him. "Uh, sorry I thought this was Nathans door, but I guess..."

"Other side," You told him, pointing to where your roommate's door was located. He nodded, still not moving from out of your door way. "Oh, and I'm Luke by the way." Giving him a nod, you grabbed the shirt you had finally decided on wearing and pulled it over your head. "Y/N,"

"Nathan!" You called, as soon as you had gotten home from work. You found him sitting on the couch, typing away at his laptop. "Whats up?" He said, not looking up from the screen. Sitting down on the couch next to him, he finally tore his eyes away from the screen, noticing the look on your face.

"What?" He repeated. Rolling your eyes, you lowered your voice. "Who's the guy?" You watched as your roommates face turned from confusion to realization. "Oh did I not mention?" He grinned. Once again rolling your eyes, you gave his arm a little slap. "You're such an ass."

"No Y/N look," He laughed. "I'm sorry I never told you. It's just that we got home late last night and I know what you had to get up early so you had probably already gone to bed, or you were still working on something." He explained himself, causing you to crack a smile.

"You couldn't have at least texted me or something?" You asked, even though you had already forgiven him for not mentioning Luke. "Yeah, that probably would've been a good choice. But you met him right? So it's all good."

You scoffed. "I don't know if it was that great off a first impression." Nathan didn't have time to ask what you meant, because at that moment Luke appeared in the room, standing in front of the two of you on the sofa. "Here," Nathan spoke before anyone else could say anything else, "I'll do what I should've done earlier and introduce the two of you. Y/N this is my friend Luke, and Luke this is my friend and roommate Y/N."

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