you have a severe allergic reaction to something (4/4)

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Luke; Mushrooms

You went to a near by Italian restaurant with Luke and the rest of the boys. You guys just needed a little time to get out, considering you had spent the whole day driving across the state to play a new show. You were sat down and ordered what you wanted. Luke got plain spaghetti and you got the Italian Wedding Soup. What you didn't know was that there were mushrooms in it. You had only had a reaction once or twice when you were little, but you were very cautious when it came to going out to places like this. You needed to know what was in each food, each ingredient. This time was different, only because 1. you forgot and 2. because you hadn't told Luke. if you did tell Luke he would get super protective on going out to places like this. Your soup came about twenty minutes later, you immediately sprung right in to get the nice, warm liquid in your mouth. It was only about ten minutes later, you started to feel the familiar feeling on your lips, tongue and throat. You could feel each swelling up, making it hard to breath, speak, anything. You gripped the table and tried to focus on your breathing.

"(Y/N/) what's wrong? Is everything okay?" Luke asked, frantically. The boys had stopped their conversation and started at you in worry. You pointed to the soup, gasping slightly. Your breathing never became hard unless it was about an hour into the reaction.

"Are you allergic to something?" Ashton asked. You nodded.

"Muh-roms." You managed to squeak out. Michael quickly went to look in your bowl, and sure enough there were mushrooms.

"Oh no, her lips are swelling up. Is anything else?" Calum asked. You pointed to your throat and tongue. While all of this was happening, Ashton was on the phone with the near by ambulance. He hung up, running to your side.

"They're on their way okay?" Ashton reassured you. Luke looked at your state, glossy eyes. He held your hands and rubbed small circles.

"Do you have an epi-pen?" He asked. You shook your head as you tried your best to choke back tears. This wasn't exactly the best situation so of course you would be scared and start to cry.

Later on, the ambulance came. You and Luke were in the back of the truck as the sirens blared through the streets. You were guessing the other boys trailed behind the truck, following to the hospital.

After that, a doctor finally came and prescribed you medicine and gave you an dpi-pen incase this ever happened again. Let's just say, Luke was more over protective than you ever imagines.

Michael; Bees

You laid on the grass at the park. You had brought your notebook and music there to help you focus on your english paper that was due in two days. Your boyfriend, Michael, decided to join you. He brought one of his bandmates, Ashton along so they could attempt to write a song.

You sat under a tree and blasted your music, deleting any outside noise. You didn't even hear the bees nest, buzzing a few feet above you. It stuck to the branch as bees flew in and out of it. You were almost done with your paper, but all of the sudden a sharp pain came on your finger. You immediately swatted the bee that laid on top of your finger away. You frantically patted around for your epi-pen that laid in your bag. As you groaned and whimpered as you remember that you left it in the car. You finger began to swell at a quick pace, as the venom of the singer caused your hand to create a rash. You quickly pulled out your head phones as you screamed to Michael across the field.

"Michael!" You screamed, worriedly. He came running over with Ashton as he bent down to your level while you cried.

"Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" He shot questions at you. You shook your head, you could feel your throat closing in.

"Bee sting." Was all you could manage. Michael knew about this and realized you left your bag in the car. He frantically gave Ashton the keys to his car.

"Go in the passenger seat and grab (Y/N)'s bag. And run back as fast as you can." Michael said in the calmest tone he could, which wasn't very calm. Ashton came running back a minute later with your bag. By this point your finger looked like a balloon and your throat felt like it would just shrivel up in seconds.

"You need to stab this into her leg while I hold her so you do it right. Just press the button down and stab on the top of her thigh." Michael instructed to Ashton, as he inspected your swelled up finger. Ashton did so as you squeaked in pain. You closed your eyes but opened them slowly as a few moments later, the swelling in your throat died down. But of course your finger would need a few hours. Michael was just thankful that nothing worse happened.

Ashton; Scented Lotion

You stepped out of the shower as you wrapped a towel around your body and hair. You walked into your and Ashton's shared room as you grabbed your new lotion from Victoria's Secret. You rubbed it along your legs. Later on you put on some yoga shorts and a tee-shirt as you headed downstairs. You sat along the couch with Ashton, as your legs started to itch and burn. You constantly scratched, making the skin tender.

"Babe you okay?" Ashton asked, as he noticed your constant scratching. You nodded, brushing it off just as if it were bug bites. You kept scratching and scratching and it was starting to annoy Ashton. He groaned and looked to why you were scratching but looked surprised.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"What did you put on your legs?" He asked. You looked at him confused, as you stuck your leg out so you could see. It was full of hives and rashes. You were as just as flabbergasted as he was.

"I put lotion." You said softly.

"Let's just take you to the hospital just incase anything else happens that we aren't prepared for." Ashton suggested as he kissed you on the forehead and you both reached for shoes, quickly driving to the hospital.

Calum; Peanut Butter

You knew you had this allergy but never thought to tell Cal. It just never seemed to spark up in the conversation. One day, your friend had brought over cookies to celebrate her birthday. The boys invited Cal, considering he didn't want to be the only boy in the house at this moment. You dug right in into the good looking cookies. After about three of the cookies, you thought to yourself that you were done. And your body's reaction did too. Your body started to feel all tingly, but you thought nothing of it. Soon enough it was getting hard to swallow and your heart dropped at the thought of a possible allergic reaction.

"What did you make with the cookies?" You asked your friend.

"Uh, chocolate, flour, yeast, peanut but-" Your friend stopped short as she looked surprised. All the boys asked questions but at this moment you were breaking out in horrible hives and you could breathe evenly. Calum ran to your side, pulling you onto his laps.

"Are you badly allergic?" He asked. You nodded.

"Do you have something that could help?" He added a question. You nodded. "What does she have?" He asked your best friend.

"Uh, pills and epi-pen. I don't know where she keeps it all thought." Your friend said sadly as she believed that this was her fault.

"Ba-ruhm." You wheezed out, as your throat began to cave in. Surprisingly, Luke understood you as he sprinted upstairs, and he tripped on his way down quickly enough to give it to your friend.

"I don't know how to use it." You friend said. Michael immediately took it out of her hand and stabbed you right in the thigh, as you clung to Calum's shirt. You whimpered in pain, as a few tears fell from your eyes. Calum held you tightly.

"Are you alright now?" Calum asked after a minute. You nodded, being able to breath deeply in and out. The hives were still visible but they didn't give a reaction, but you didn't mind because you knew they would go away eventually.

The rest of the night, your friend kept on apologizing over and over again. You constantly said it was fine, that you made it through alive. The rest of the night Calum held you close, not letting you out of his sight.

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