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She waited until it was nearly midnight. She crawled out of bed quietly and locked her door. She put on her darkest clothes and slowly opened her window. She couldn't wait until tomorrow. She would tell Suga tonight and everything would be better in the morning. She carefully made her way down the drainage pipe and tried not to fall. She smiled when she made it. Everything was going to be okay. Her plan was fool proof. She could do this. She smiled, she'd have Suga no matter what that evil, rotten bitch said. She smiled and ran to the bus stop. She boarded and smiled to herself. She couldn't wait to kiss him again.

She flung the door to his big house open. She heard noises from the living room. She ran into the room smiling,

"Suga!" Okay. Not Suga.

Jin and Rapmon sat across from each other and looked up at her in disgust. There was a bloody knife in the table, and a torn up note. Jin stood slowly.

"What...the...F**K DID YOU SAY TO HIM?" Jin screamed at her. She flinched.

"It's a long story." She whispered.

"We've got the f**king time." Rapmon growled. She gulped and told him what her gramma said.

"I didn't want to do that, but I had to! I came back here to explain." She pleaded with them.

"You're gramma's f**ked up." Rapmon shook his head and rested it in his hands.

"I know."

"What a f**king old saggy whore!" Jin yelled.

"I know. I told her I'd throw her ashes in the trash." She shrugged.

"I'll f**king help you. Here read what he said." Jin threw the torn up note at her.

"Jin, Rapmon. Please take care of everyone for me. Make sure they're safe. It think everyone will be safer if I go anyways. Tell Nari I love her. I'm going to find my dad. Protect them. I know you can. Tell Nari I really, really love her. Stay safe."

"Where is he?" She asked softly, holding back racking sons and floods of tears.

"Gone." Rapmon said simply.

"When will he be back?" She whispered, one tear escaping her eye.

"Never. His dad could be anywhere and everywhere." Jin breathed leaning back.

"Okay." She choked. She sat down. She didn't even know where she was anymore. She just cried. She curled up as small as she could and sobbed. Her ribs started to hurt again. Her head pounded like someone was driving an ice pick through it. Black spots filled her vision. Tears streamed down her face and her body convulsed with sobs. She could faintly hear her own wailing, but she wasn't even sure. She drove him to this. Why did she do that? Her gramma wouldn't send her away! Her mother wouldn't allow that! She was so dumb! She couldn't breathe, and her muscles began to ache. Her heart felt like someone had taken it in their mouth, chewed it, spit it out, stepped on it, then ripped it in half. He probably wasn't coming back. Why would he? She f**ked up. She f**ked up so bad.

She faintly felt Jin's hands pick her up and set her down on the couch. Or was it Rapmon? Her vision was too blurred.

"I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I didn't...I'm sorry!" She shrieked. Whoever it was said nothing. In her mind Suga smiled and told her it was okay and picked her up and kissed her. But Suga wasn't here right now. Suga was gone. Simply gone. She didn't know where he was. When he was coming back. If he was. He probably wasn't. She wanted to kiss him so bad. She wanted him. She stood slowly. She didn't care what Rapmon and Jin were doing. She slowly made her way up the stairs. She fell several times and then she finally opened the door to his room. She fell down on his bed and curled up in a ball. It smelled like him. It smelled exactly like him. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever smelled.

And she lost that.



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